8 Mar
8 Mar
3:30 p.m.
Could someone explain what a simulated contact is?
Joe Cassano K3FMA
[email protected] wrote:
Today's Topics:
- Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-03-08 00:00 UTC ([email protected])
. . . .
Simulated contact #1 for Westbrook with Sandra Magnus KE5FYE Thu 2008-03-13 very approx 14:50 UTC
Simulated contact #2 for Westbrook with Nicole Stott KE5GJN Thu 2008-03-13 very approx 15:15 UTC
The simulated contacts should be on IRLP and Echolink. It is suggested that you monitor between 14:45 and 16:15 UTC for the actual contacts.