Over the next few weeks we maybe receiving images from the International Space station via Slow Scan TV (SSTV). The Marex team will be collecting these images from the Amateur Radio and SWL community and we will post the best.
We would like to collect all images received. However in order to properly catalog the images we request you use the following image naming format.
After you receive you images, please rename the images using the following format.
Year 2006, Month 07, Day31, z, (UTC time), Call sign, Short text description, .JPG
If we break this down Year =2006 Month = 07 Day = 31 Z = spacer to help find time Time = 1905 UTC Call sign = wf1f Description = Windows shot Image format = jpg
Image Quality Please do not put a lot of text over lays on the images, Example, do not put web page or advertisements in the image. Your own call sign and date are acceptable.
Send all images directly to Marex at [email protected]
We would also like to know the following information in your email.
Name or Call sign Country / State Receiver Software decoding tool Elevation or range of ISS when you decoded the image.
Thanks you very much
Miles Mann WF1F
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