Robert Bruninga schrieb:
Subj: ISS Packet =>VOICE Contacts:
Starting on 4 August, and for the 26 days remaining of PCSAT2's operation on ISS, PCSAT2 will be configured for VOICE response to normal packets transmitted via the normal ISS digipeater 145.99 uplink (or PCSAT2's uplink on 145.825 if the ARISS packet system is not operational). The command station's voice downlink will be on 437.975 +/- Doppler and he/she willl attempt to acknowledge by voice all packets seen on the packet uplink.
The UHF downlink will be weak (only 1 Watt) and being UHF (9dB worse than 2m), will need at least a small beam to hear it.
Users who want to participate, simply send your packets as normal VIA ARISS on 145.99 uplink (if available or via 145.825 if not) but listen on the 437.925 downlink for the combined voice and packets. This will only work when PCSAT2 is in range of a participating command station and there is no guarantee that all command stations will be available on any given pass. In otherwords, this may be rare, but fun.
Right now, passes in the Northern Hemisphere are occuring before sunrise, so only the last two morning passes may be so manned for voice. Passes in the Southern Hemisphere right now are from midday into evening.
Best thing to do is simply monitor 437.975 during ISS passes and if you hear a command station, then send us a 'hello' packet via the ISS digipeater.
We need a volunteer command station in South America, South Africa and some other footprints too if activity is desired in those areas.
de WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Station
Hi Bob
Is there a volunteer command station in Europe ? But why do you not activate PCSAT2 as a voice repeater ?
Regards, 73 Thomas Frey, HB9SKA ______________________________________________________________________
Thomas Frey, Holzgasse 2, CH-5242 Birr, Tel. + Fax: 056 444 93 41 http://home.datacomm.ch/th.frey/ Packet Radio (AX.25): HB9SKA @ HB9PD.CHE.EU