Hi Tony We have Echolink at lu8yy station (LU8YY-L) link with an UHF repeater, we will take into account that option (is better than nothing). I hope that in the coming days we will hear SSTV. Thanks for your advice. Regards, Daniel - LU5YBR
En español: Hola Tony Tenemos instalado Echolink en la estacion de LU8YY (LU8YY-L) unido a una repe de UHF, tomaremos en cuenta esa opción (peor es nada). Espero que en los próximos días escuchemos SSTV. Gracias por el consejo. Saludos Daniel - LU5YBR
======= El 2008-10-16, 14:42:03 escribió: =======
Hello Daniel, Yes I feel that we are forgotten in the southern hemisphere at times. Hopefully we may get some pictures in the next few days. I did a link into the AMSAT server on Echolink for Richard speaking to the Challenger Center tonight. Have you Echolink ? If so log onto the Echolink *AMSAT* server on Friday Oct.17 at 15:30 utc and listen live to Richard Garriott speaking with more students in the USA. I will be doing the relay to Echolink and will look for your call-sign. Take care
Regards Tony. VK5ZAI
J.A.(Tony)Hutchison P.O.Box 470 Kingston SE South Australia 5275
National ARISS Co-ordinator and Satellite Earth Station.
Web Site :- http://www.electric-web.org Also click on :- http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=%22vk5zai%22&btnG=Google+Sea...
daniel_lu5ybr wrote:
After the first day of transmitions, we can say that in the southern hemisphere nobody listen nothing (except Packet radio). The question is: Is there any possibility that we listen a SSTV transmision over South America?? We have much enthusiasm, last night at 22:50 pm local time we were at a school waiting to receive images with 20 childrens and nothing heard. Thanks
Daniel Toth LU5YBR Neuquen - North Patagonia - Argentina
======= El 2008-10-16, 01:32:53 escribió: =======
Norm VK3XCI wrote:
Has anybody heard a peep in VK or ZL? Despite intensive efforts I've seen or heard nothing at all. Not even a peep on last night's overhead pass, not even the hint of a peep. I even left the rig and Computer on 24/7 last few days.
Yaesu FT-1802 Collinear Vertical 20 ft in the air listening 145.800
I thought I would hear *SOMETHING*, if not decode it!
Hi Norm,
I listened on three passes last night, but, like you, heard nothing.
Yaesu FT 736 5 Element yagi 7m high (yeah, but in Wellington, hi hi) Tuned the rig over the lower 2 MHz of the 2m band during the passes.
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = daniel_lu5ybr [email protected] 2008-10-16
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/sarex
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = daniel_lu5ybr [email protected] 2008-10-16