The crowd was large, enthusiastic, and makes you wonder what in the HECK is the matter with politicians not understanding that this interest in space is NOT limited to people who are old enough to remember who Neil Armstrong is. They are not lily white. They are not exclusively American. They are "every man" or "every person" is you insist.
The young man in this photo had a great time talking to Sunny Williams (as did the others in the photos) and the T Shirt you see him wearing while standing with his beaming family was his winning design in the T shirt contest.
The parents were jumping up and down clapping, crying their eyes out, and in general, just beside themselves with emotion watching their kids talk to Sunny. I understand why Rick can't even begin telling the story without breaking up.
Thank you Frank and Sarex team for letting me hang out with you while you did this.
Bob N4HY