ARISS an abject failure? Nonsense!
ARISS is primarily an educational program. Since the program began, we've had over 460 successful educational contacts. That's over 5000 kids all over the world who have been able to talk directly to an astronaut in space via ham radio. And 10's of thousands others who have witnessed it. Add to that the educational programs the schools run that are tied to the contact, training contacts between schools and astronauts on the ground, and more. Hardly a failure.
As a side effect, we get the opportunity to talk to astronauts in their spare time. This is entirely up to the crew. Guys like Richard Garriott, Mike Fincke, and Bill MacArthur have given us thousands of contacts, because they love ham radio. Others don't, and that is their option. ARISS encourages operation; for example, we've had crew members who don't ordinarily use the radios outside school contacts get on for field day and other special events. But we can't make them. I've worked on ARISS since before the first crew went up, and I've never been lucky enough to contact a crew member in his spare time. I don't consider ARISS (or my ham license) a failure because of that.
The difficulties getting hardware aboard are too many to detail here. Just remember that it takes a long time to get anything approved, there is little up-mass available (especially when the shuttle isn't flying, as has too-often been the case), and volume on ISS is limited (they recently threw out the spacesuit we planned to use for Suitsat-2 because there wasn't enough room to store it). Even so, we've got three radios aboard, many ham radio antennas, and more on the way.
ARISS is always looking for ways to do more and do better. If you think it can be improved, volunteer and help make that happen. We are limited by available time, as are all volunteer programs.
Dave Taylor, W8AAS ARISS team member AMSAT #8974
On Aug 15, 2009, at 10:42 PM, Norm, VK3XCI wrote:
Frank et al
Please let us not degenerate into a flame war or battle of egos. Don't take this personally, and understand that it comes from a long time space enthusiast who wants only to be part of this frontier but is effectively denied.
Whilst ARISS may be a diplomatic and administrative success, in terms of delivering results it has been an abject failure. From a users point of view the only project that works as advertised is the schools contact project.
If that is to be ARISS' focus, then it's time to let someone else take up some challenges. Whatever Miles' fractured relationship is with the rest of ARISS, I and most others care little. He has raised some specific points that I for one would like answered.
One of the strengths of the human spirit is to be able to examine our failures as well as our successes. Only then can there be improvement.
73 de Norm, VK3XCI Mildura, Australia The Wintersun City QF15bt.
Frank H. Bauer wrote:
I find it really sad that you have stooped this low.....character assassination and the like. This e-mail is filled with so many inaccuracies and wrong statements that it would be a disservice to the amateur community to go through this and challenge each of your statements.
While I am no longer part of the ARISS team, I think it would be best for me to respond to this e-mail as I think some clarifications are worthy of a response. And given the fact that I led the ARISS team for 13 years.
Your main gripe was that you were not invited to the ARISS meeting at ESA Estec a few months ago. It should be noted that AMSAT did not make this final decision. Specifically, it was your (Miles) actions that caused you to be not invited. Not some "closed" organization as you (Miles) stipulate. The crux of the issue is that if one disregards verbal or written direction from space agencies and, as a result, you violate space agency policy or company/agency proprietary rules, then a significant element of distrust is built up. ARISS cannot let this happen. And Miles, through your actions, you did this. And as a result, you did this to yourself.
Let me also be clear that MAREX as a team was not singled out. Only Miles. So if MAREX had thoughts or proposals, they were and are welcome to share them with the ARISS team. And, if there are other members of MAREX, besides Miles, that wanted to attend future meetings, I would expect that they probably would be allowed to attend. As long as they abide by the space agency rules. (But remember, I don't make those decisions)
ARISS is an international working group consisting of National Amateur Radio Societies, AMSAT organizations and the international space agencies from the 5 ISS regions (Europe, Japan, Russia, Canada and the USA). This working group works hand-in-hand to develop and operate the amateur radio system on ISS. ARISS cannot do this without the space agencies and the crew on-board. ARISS has and continues to do its best to be as transparent (open) as possible. International meetings are open to the public, as long as an element of trust is not violated. While the ARISS model is not perfect, nothing is. But I must say that the international participation and support that comes from the ARISS team is some of the best I have ever seen anywhere. To say that ARISS is a failure is ludicrous.
It is my personal opinion that the national radio society model (e.g. in the US ARRL and AMSAT) is the right model for ARISS. It has worked well and provides an outstanding educational outreach program that gives students and communities a very positive view of ham radio. ARISS has not excluded universities from participating. For example, the Kursk University in Russia is currently building an experiment for SuitSat-2. The Santa Rosa Junior College in the US is an ARISS telebridge station. Students at the College of New Jersey in the US participated in the testing of the SuitSat-2 SDX. And the Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland built the L/S band ARISS antennas that are installed on the Columbus module.
In summary, I think we should stop the whining. And recognize that we need to work hand-in-glove with the international space agencies if we want to sustain a ham radio program on human spaceflight vehicles. This may mean that our pet project might not fly now (or ever). That there will be times when the crew does not get on the ham radio. And that there will be give and take within the international ARISS and international space agency team on how hardware gets developed, who develops it and when it gets tested, repaired or operated.
With sincere interest in ARISS Program Success,
Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO
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