Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2006-11-09 16:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
"Henri d'Haese" primary school in Gentbrugge, Belgium (formerly Flanders Science Festival 27-29 October 2006 Ghent, Belgium)via telebridge W5RRR (***) Fri 2006-11-10 14:37 UTC via W5RRR 47 deg Watch for live IRLP, Echolink, and webcast.
Landesmuseum fuer Technik und Arbeit (Mannheim Museum), Mannheim, Germany 2006-11-20 14:42 UTC via telebridge WH6PN Thomas Reiter contact Watch for live IRLP, Echolink, and webcast.
During Expedition 14, ARISS expects to have one ARISS school contact per month rather than approximately one per week. It is also anticipated that there many not be many general contacts.
Total number of ARISS school contacts is 255.
QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, RS0ISS
The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan) operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***). Also, please check MSNBC.com for possible live retransmissions (http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp). Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.80 MHz.
The crossband repeater has been active at times. The frequencies are uplink of 437.80 MHz and downlink of 145.80 MHz.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you are interested in supporting an ARISS contact, then you must fill in an application. The ARISS operations mentor team will not accept a direct request to support an ARISS contact; the application must first be sent to the ARISS region coordinator.
You should also note that many schools think that they can request a specific date and time. Once an application has been accepted the ARISS mentors will work with the school to determine a mutually agreeable date.
There are several ARISS web sites:
English: http://www.rac.ca/ariss/
French: http://c.avmdti.free.fr/ariss/index.htm
ARISS Europe: http://www.ariss-eu.org/
ARISS Japan: http://www.jarl.or.jp/ariss/
Your completely filled out application should be returned to the nearest coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not listed. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting an application.
Here are the email addresses: ARISS-Canada and all other countries not covered: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA) ARISS-Europe: [email protected] (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC) ARISS-Japan and all Region 3 countries: [email protected] (Keigo Komuro JA1KAB) ARISS-Russia: [email protected] (Valerie Agabekov N2WW/UA6HZ) ARISS-USA: [email protected] (The American Radio Relay League)
***************************************************************************** QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s *****************************************************************************
Other web sites that may be of interest include:
http://www.arrl.org/sarex http://www.arrl.org/ariss http://www.amsat.org http://ariss.gsfc.nasa.gov http://spacelink.nasa.gov/index.html http://ehb2.gsfc.nasa.gov/edcats/educator_guide/
Latest ARISS announcements and news http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
Successful school list http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/Successful_ARISS_schools.rtf
The ISS Fan Club website is: http://www.issfanclub.com
K1ELA has a website at: http://members.aol.com/k1ela/index.html
ON6SAT has a website at: http://on6sat.com/links/
IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca This new site will have the links for simulcast contacts that have IRLP and Echolink.
Friends and family of the Expedition 12 crew have put together a website: http://www.expedition12.com
A listing of ARISS related magazine articles: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ARISS_magazine_articles.rtf Currently the list includes articles from CQ, CQ VHF, QST, and The AMSAT Journal. Please contact me directly if you have additional suggestions.
Expedition 13/14 on orbit: Thomas Reiter DF4TR
Expedition 14 on orbit: Michael Lopez-Alegria KE5GTK Mikhail Tyurin, RZ3FT
Expedition 14 future: Sunita Williams, KD5PLB
To let you in on how tough it is to schedule contacts, here are some of the constraints the ARISS mentors must work under: Each Increment is 26 weeks in length.
For the next increment (14) we may not schedule: 1. Anything the first 3 weeks. 2. During EVA weeks 3. at least 2 weeks prior to the Increment change. 4. no contacts during meal and exercise periods. 5. no contacts during post-sleep and pre sleep (before 08:00 UTC and after 19:30 UTC) 6. contacts on the day of Progress docking or undocking are circumspect.
During Expedition 14, ARISS expects to have one ARISS school contact per month rather than approximately one per week. It is also anticipated that there many not be many general contacts.
Mike Fincke KE5AIT and Gennady Padalka RN3DT produced a video during their stay on Expedition 9. You can get the QuickTime version (209MB) or the Windows Media version (152MB). These files are huge, so only a broadband connection is recommended. Thanks Mike and Gennady!
QuickTime: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9Tour.mov Windows Media: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9tourwmv.wmv
A discussion on Doppler correction and the ISS frequencies may be found at
http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ISS_frequencies_and_Doppler_correction... tf
This file was updated 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
****************************************************************************** * ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUDIO STREAMING THAT IS PROVIDED BY MCI. 1. Go to designated homepage URL. 2. Click on Audioconferencing. 3. Click on Audio Streaming. 4. Click on Join. 5. Enter conference meeting number. 6. Enter passcode (case sensitive) and there are 11 letters max. 7. Enter name. 8. Enter email address. 9. Enter company, use ARISS or AMSAT if you want. 10. Enter title (optional). 11. Agree to agreement policy. 12. Click proceed. 13. Wait for contact to start. If you are there too early, then you will probably hear music. Contact streaming should start approximately 6 minutes before AOS.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE USE OF IRLP AND ECHOLINK. IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca If using IRLP is more convenient for you than using EchoLink, please connect to the IRLP reflector 9010.
The Discovery Reflector also has streaming audio available. Once on the main page, select “audio library” on the left sidebar. The prompt to join the audio stream is posted at the top of this page.
More directly, you can go to http://www.discoveryreflector.ca:8000/listen.pls
The audio stream will be delayed.
Please give the EchoLInk EDU_NET server your preference over the EchoLink AMSAT server for your connection. This will keep the load light on the AMSAT server, assuring us of better audio quality all around.
You can connect to the AMSAT Conference Room server at node 101377. Audio is also available at times on the JK1ZRW server at node 277208. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server. This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners.
For latest information on ISS - school contact audio feeds into EchoLink, please check the AMSAT calendar of events at:
****************************************************************************** *
"Henri d'Haese" primary school in Gentbrugge, Belgium (formerly Flanders Science Festival 27-29 October 2006 Ghent, Belgium) (***) Contact is a go for: Fri 2006-11-10 14:37 UTC via W5RRR 47 deg
Contact will be simulcast on IRLP, Echolink, and the web.
Proposed questions for Flanders: 1. Do you miss your family up there? 2. Is it difficult to walk on an E.V.A? 3. How does it feel like to sleep in space? 4. What is the view outside looking like (dark, shiny)? 5. Can you see the opening in the ozone layer on earth, from there up? 6. What kind of tests or work you have to do? 7. What was the feeling the first time you where in space? 8. What do you miss the most in space? 9. Can you see meteorological events on earth up there? 10. How does your family react when you are so far away? 11. What are you going to miss most when you are back from space? 12. Do you ever feel scared? 13. What was the most beautiful thing you saw in space? 14. Can you use your own senses to feel? 15. Why did NASA prefer to send people instead of robots? 16. Has this spacetrip made your dream come through? 17. Would you like to live up there for a longer time? 18. Why did the agencies choose this crew for this mission? 19. What do you do in your spare time in space? 20. Are you feeling sick sometimes when you are moving around all the time?
Landesmuseum fuer Technik und Arbeit (Mannheim Museum), Mannheim, Germany Contact is a go for: 2006-11-20 14:42 UTC via telebridge WH6PN Thomas Reiter contact
Erweiterte Realschule, Weiskirchen D-66709, Germany, direct via DN1ERW Contact postponed TBD UTC Scheduled to be a Thomas Reiter DF4TR contact using DP0ISS.
Proposed questions for Erweiterte Realschule: 1. Welches Fach muss man studiert haben, um Astronaut zu werden? 2. Muss man sehr sportlich sein, um Astronaut zu werden? 3. Wie lange haben Sie sich für den Flug vorbereitet? 4. Wie ist die ISS amateurfunktechnisch ausgestattet? 5. Können die Funkgeräte in Dauerbetrieb bleiben oder würde dann zu viel Energie verbraucht? 6. Kann man aus der ISS mit bloßen Augen auch andere Planeten außer der Erde sehen? 7. Können Sie von der ISS aus Gebäude auf der Erde erkennen? 8. In Kalifornien gibt es häufig Flächenbrände. Konnten Sie welche von der ISS aus sehen? 9. Wie viele Sonnenaufgänge und -untergänge können Sie während einer Umrundung der Erde sehen und wie kontrollieren Sie Ihren persönlichen Tagesrhythmus? 10. Wie gestalten Sie Ihre Freizeit an Bord? 11. Wenn Sie Gitarre spielen, hört sich das in der ISS genauso an wie auf der Erde? 12. Wie sieht Ihr Tagesablauf aus? 13. Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal geduscht? 14. Lassen Sie sich einen Bart wachsen oder können Sie sich im All rasieren? 15. Muss man sich beim Schlafen anschnallen? 16. Schnarcht man in der Schwerelosigkeit, mehr oder weniger als auf der Erde? 17. Wenn jemand von der Crew ernsthaft erkrankt, wie kann ihm geholfen werden? 18. Spürt man einen Rückstoß, wenn man in der Schwerelosigkeit niest? 19. Wie fühlten Sie sich beim Start des Shuttles? 20. Muss man vor der Rückkehr auf die Erde ein besonderes Muskeltraining absolvieren? 21. Was essen Sie an Bord und wie essen Sie? 22. Was erwarten oder wünschen Sie sich von Ihrem weiteren Aufenthalt im All?
Samuel-von-Pufendorf Gymnasium, D-09557 Floeha, Germany, direct via DL0GYM Contact postponed TBD UTC Scheduled to be a Thomas Reiter DF4TR contact.
Proposed questions for Samuel-von-Pufendorf Gymnasium: 1. Lassen sich von Bord der ISS aus Vulkanausbrüche beobachten? 2. Besteht an Bord der ISS die Möglichkeit, Fernsehprogramme über Satellit zu empfangen? 3. Lassen sich terrestrische Rundfunksender im Weltraum empfangen? 4. Liess sich an Bord die Fussballweltmeisterschaft verfolgen? 5. Wirken sich verstärkte Sonnenaktivitäten auf die Raumstation aus? 6. Sind Polarlichter von Bord der Raumstation aus zu beobachten? 7. Kann man die Blitze eines Gewitters sehen? 8. Sind in dieser Flughöhe noch Einflüsse der Erdatmoshäre spürbar? 9. Hat das Wetter auf der Erde Einfluss auf die Arbeiten an Bord? 10. Sieht man das Abschmelzen von Polkappen und Gletschern? 11. Kann man die Ozonschicht sehen oder messen? 12. Kann man im Internet surfen und E-Mails empfangen oder verschicken? 13. Welche Massnahmen zur Vermeidung von Beschädigungen durch Weltraummüll werden getroffen? 14. Wird die ISS von kosmischen Teilchen getroffen? 15. Kann man andere Satelliten mit blossem Auge sehen? 16. Kann man an Bord der ISS mit dem Lötkolben arbeiten? 17. Müssen die Fenster der Raumstation geputzt werden? 18. Wie wird der Kontakt mit den Familienangehörigen aufrechterhalten? 19. In welcher Sprache unterhaltet ihr euch? 20. Gibt es persönliche Freizeit, z.B. um ein Buch zu lesen?
McDonald College, North Strathfield, Australia, via TBD TBD UTC
Proposed questions for McDonald College: 1. Are any of your five (5) senses affected in space? If so, how? 2. What are the major biological changes and how do you compensate for the changes to cope with the return to Earth? Also, is there a limit as to how long you can stay in a weightless environment without causing irreversible damage to the body? 3. When the shuttle or rocket takes off, we see the amount of vibration on TV. How do you cope with this when trying to view the instruments and press buttons without losing focus? 4. Psychologically, does being out in the exosphere with all those stars make you feel a certain way (for example, insignificant)? 5. Do water and liquid substances evaporate or dry the same way they do on earth? If not, how is it different? 6. How do you cope with going from a solitude environment in the space station to coming back to Earth, where there are lots of people? 7. Is it weird with it always being dark outside, and do you miss going outside? 8. What would a compass do in space? Would it point in one direction? 9. How did your body react when you went through the atmosphere and reached space? 10. What is the effect of space shrapnel or space junk on the space station, and have you hit any or seen any? 11. Does the space station have any gravity? 12. What is the purpose of your mission? If it was to investigate something, what is it, and what discoveries have you made? 13. Are there any special precautions needed when there is high solar activity or meteor showers? If so, what precautions do you take?
Winterthurhalle, Winterthur, Switzerland, via telebridge TBD UTC
Northlawn, St. Stephen, St. Anthony, Streator, IL, direct via KB9UPS / W9MKS TBD UTC
Sherman Elementary School, Henrietta, New York, direct via W2SKY TBD UTC
Centre Hastings Secondary, Madoc, Ontario, Canada, direct via VE3UR TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Centre Hastings: (***)
1. With each supply shipment to the ISS sending more water from Earth, we are taking away a precious resource. A colony on the moon would need lots of water which would be obtained from our finite supply on Earth. Will this water be returned or is it lost forever? 2. With business tycoons like Richard Branson looking to expand their companies into the cosmos via commercialized space travel, has it now been decided that space travel is to become a routine commercial practise? 3. The Canadian Space Agency and NASA are have you testing your hand eye co-ordination on the shuttle. Do you play video games on the ISS as well as doing this experiment? 4. Chris Hadfield was calm when he told us about the Russian Progress 23 cargo ship having difficulties docking with the ISS and the ISS losing power. Are all astronauts that calm when under pressure? 5. What is your favourite song to play on the guitar while on the ISS? 6. Mr. Hadfield told us Russian bread has a four year shelf life. Does it taste the same after 4 years of not being eaten? 7. Your mission has 4 EVA'S. Have you ever stood on the end of Canadarm2? 8. Luke Skywalker fought a spherical droid in Star Wars. Are the two SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites) on the ISS like pets to you? 9. Can you see heaven from the ISS? 10. If you got appendicitis aboard the ISS what can you do about it? 11. You are doing a study related to immune function and virus activity. Has an astronaut or cosmonaut ever fallen ill while aboard the ISS, and if so what health measures were taken? 12. In your personal opinion do you believe that there is or ever was, life on other planets, such as Mars? 13. On the ISS, are there any communication problems between the crew due to language and cultural differences? 14. When the Progress cargo ship was docking, you had a problem with the antenna. ARISS became your mode of communication to Earth. How did you fix the antenna retraction problem? 15. Mr. Hadfield said he brought a guitar to the ISS. Does it go out of tune more in space than Earth? 16. How do you protect yourself from germs with limited amounts of water on the ISS? On Earth we handwash. 17. SPHERES are like Tamagotchis. Do the red and blue ones shut down when you go to bed? 18. When you look out the window of the ISS do you see the planets and which one is your favourite? 19. You're measuring the exposure of cosmic radiation of your crew. Are you concerned about getting cancer? 20. You are trying to grow lentil seeds in artificial gravity. Have they sprouted? 21. For Mikhail Tyruin. Would a "hole in one" be hitting the (Canadian E21) golf ball into a crater on the moon?
Samuel Hearne Secondary School, Inuvik, NT, Canada, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
Escola Camilo Castelo Branco, Portugal 2790-096, Carnaxide, 2004-12-22, direct via CS1RAD TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Escola Camilo Castelo Branco: 1. Before leaving for any mission in space, you have many months of preparation. Is the reality very different from the test you go through on Earth? 2. Isn’t it difficult to live in a small closed space during so many time? 3. What kind of food do you eat? 4. Is there any process of recycling water in space? If so, what is it? 5. How do you manage to keep the level of oxygen steady inside the spaceship? 6. How do you get rid of your waste? 7. Do you have any trouble in falling asleep? How do you distinguish if it’s day or night? 8. What’s the official language on the ISS? 9. What do you feel when you see the Earth from the space? What’s the feeling? 10. Isn’t it boring only to see stars, planets and space? 11. What do you miss the most when you are in space? 12. The relationship between you is strictly professional or have you become friends? Have you ever had any arguments? How did you solve them? 13. How can you repair the spaceship if it is somehow damaged? 14. For how long can you stay in space? Which is the maximum length of time? Is there a limit for the number of an astronaut’s voyages to space? 15. When you came back to Earth after a space voyage how do you adapt to gravity? Do you need any external help? What kind of help? 16. What kind of scientific research are you doing now? 17. What’s the importance of space research to scientific knowledge and technical progress? 18. What do you think about other planets colonization? Will it be possible or is it only fiction?
Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of 60 schools that we hope will be able to have a contact during 2006. As the schedule becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week.
73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS operation team mentors