In preparation for ISS coming back up on 145.880 in packet mode, I would like to relay all packets received to my 440 repeater output to increase local interest in ISS activities.
I must admit I am over my head in setup and connection of the TNC.
I have a 10 year old TNC-3 (not Plus) with version 6.0 software on it. While it has served me well with ISS UNPROTO, I would now like to have it work at the repeater site, receive on 145.800 and feed into the cor/ audio chain of the 440 transmitter...sounds simple...
Not to me! TNC-3 is no longer supported by Kantronics, All setups that look appropriate utilize version 8.13 using UI*** commands not acceptable by ver. 6.0, and UIView has come on the scene along with the move toward WIDEn-N.
My brain is fried trying to figure this out. Is there an Elmer out there that could help me work through this? I must be missing something.
As 145.800 is a "clear channel" I could repeat all and just use a COR but that seems messy for packet along with the potential for missing the early portion of the opening packet.
Please reply directly...and help me un-fudge my brain...
Roger WA1KAT