HI Tony,
Thanks for the voice of reason amongst so many knockers. Unfortunately Ham radio is not devoid of them and some people just don't think about the big picture.
As you know, (and thanks to you and Paul and others who assisted) the Waverley Amateur Radio Society was able to arrange, at very short notice (and much to my surprise and joy) a special contact with the ISS during the week that we had our commemorative callsign to celebrate the clubs 90th anniversary. Not only that but, when we had problems on the first attempt, due to an antenna connection problem at our end, Mike Finke, himself, offered to have another try on a later pass to try to make an improved contact with us, which did happen and was totally successful.
We considered ourselves extremely lucky, and privileged, to have been given not just the one but two chances to succeed and it was a highlight of our celebration.
The fact that he was prepared to give up his leisure time, which would be very precious, to make these contacts was really appreciated by all of us here on the ground and it upsets me when some people complain that they are not getting enough cooperation from the ISS to make contacts with them.
Those guys are up there doing a great job and, if some of them are willing to have the occasional random contact with us here on the ground then that is a bonus. Most of us do realize that many of them only get their Amateur licences so that they can undertake the school contacts and are not interested in using the gear apart from then, it is just a vocal minority who complain. When there is the occasional crew member, or visitor, who is a dedicated Amateur, who wants to make more regular contacts with us on the ground because it is his interest in the hobby, then we all benefit tremendously.
I have had a number of contacts over the years with shuttle missions and MIR (I haven't had a personal one with the ISS yet) but I don't need to constantly be talking to them, there are many people who haven't had the opportunity so I would rather leave it for them to have a go.
Anyhow, Tony, thanks for all the time you have put in over many years and all the best for the future.
73....Eric VK2VE.
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tony, VK5ZAI Sent: Tuesday, 18 August 2009 13:04 To: [email protected] Subject: [sarex] The ISS and you.
I think everyone should remember that it is the "International Space Station" and NOT the "International AMATEUR (HAM) Space Station". As it was on Mir it's a privilege that we have ham radio gear on board the ISS. The majority of crews that have flown have been very active with the ARISS educational linkups that we've had, encouraging students to explore the fields of ham radio, science, and similar activities. Perhaps there are some that should think about the education of our future generation rather than just themselves.
Unfortunately some folk never seem to be happy unless they get exactly what they want when they want it. The crews on the ISS are not under any obligation to use the ham gear if they choose not to. They are employed like most of us and are expected to do their days work, and are not paid for playing ham radio. Since year 2000 we have had random voice contacts, Packet, SSTV, X-band repeater, over 450 school contacts and Suit-Sat with another launch expected next year. That's not a bad effort.
A lot may not know, to get ham or any other equipment approved for flight on the ISS it must be type tested. This is a lengthy and tedious process that can't be achieved overnight. Lou and the engineering team with ARISS have done a great job and knowing what I do, I fail to see how they can be criticized.
I first became involved with manned space flight in 1992 and have been involved ever since so I feel I have a right to comment. I have done many more "scheduled" telebridge linkups with Mir and the ISS than I've had personal QSO's with the crews over the years.
ARISS is a great team to work with, but it's many hours of hard work scheduling school contacts, it means many hours of paper work, scheduling one's own social life around ARISS commitments and being called up in the middle of the night to handle a telebridge contact for a school on the other side of the world. Above all it means 100% reliability. I can assure all, there is very little personal ham radio involved. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, if I didn't have the time (retired now) or enjoy the work I'm doing I wouldn't do it.
I see a big difference between Mir and the ISS , Mir had a crew of generally 2 sometimes 3 and construction was completed by the time I became involved. The ISS is still being built meaning a lot of extra work for the crews.
The way I see it is that with only one other person to talk with in 6 months (as on Mir) it would be nice to have ham radio to make other contacts, but with 5 or 6 people on board, as on the ISS now to share your conversation with the desire to use ham radio wouldn't be as great. To add to this the ISS now has an IP phone on board that can link the crew back to earth any time or place so they can have a personal chat to their friends. I don't believe this facility was available on Mir and was not available on the ISS for the first couple of years.
Because of this changing situation I would think that only those with an interest in radio would feel compelled to make random QSO's now they have more on board to socialize with during their leisure time. I hope I'm wrong, but put yourself in the same situation!
Remember, (1) Not everyone likes ham radio, most astronauts obtain their ham license shortly before they fly as a backup means of communications. (2) They don't get paid for ham radio activities so surely they have the right choice for themselves when and where they wish to use it. (3) Despite all crew members being highly trained in their field of work, they are not necessarily conversant with the ham radio on board and not be capable of changing to the various modes that we would like at times. (4) Be thankful that we have radio on board at all.
Finally I would like to congratulate Frank on his past leadership, and all the hours many others put into ARISS to make it the success it is. I don't feel anyone can justify knocking the work that ARISS has done.