*Astronauts Go to Work Outside Space Station 28 October 2007 *Astronauts are working outside the International Space Station for the second time during the STS-120 mission. The main objective of today’s spacewalk, which began at 5:32 a.m. EDT, is the preparation of the Port 6, or P6, truss segment for its relocation.
Mission Specialist Scott Parazynski and Flight Engineer Daniel Tani will disconnect the Port 6, or P6, truss segment from the top of the station, where it was installed temporarily in 2000. Mission Specialists Stephanie Wilson and Doug Wheelock will use the station robotic arm to remove it and place the solar array section in a temporary holding position for tonight.
Parazynski and Tani will begin the spacewalk heading to the section where the P6 truss is attached to the Z1 truss. There they will disconnect the umbilicals and bolts holding the two trusses together.
In addition, mission managers have asked Tani to make a couple of inspections. First, he will inspect a rotary joint used to rotate solar arrays on the starboard side of the truss. The joint has been showing some increased friction lately, and mission managers hope Tani may be able to identify the cause. Second, he will inspect some handrails on a Crew and Equipment Translation Aid cart for sharp edges.
Parazynski also will install handholds and other equipment on the Harmony node. Both spacewalkers will finish up their tasks when they install a new grapple fixture to Harmony. The station’s robotic arm will use the grapple fixture next month when it reinstalls Harmony to the front of the Destiny laboratory.
The excursion is scheduled to last 6 hours and 40 minutes. Mission Specialist Paolo Nespoli will be the spacewalk coordinator, assisting the spacewalkers with their tasks.
*Mission Information* + STS-120 Mission Overview http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts120/index.html + Harmony Node 2 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/behindscenes/harmony_payload.html
+ Space Shuttle Discovery http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/shuttleoperations/orbiters/discovery-info.html