An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Sunset Hills Elementary, San Diego, CA on 20 Sept. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 17:24 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and KI6LZN. The contact should be audible over California and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
Sunset Hills Elementary School is a K-5 school in Northern San Diego. We opened in 1972 and have many families that are second generational "Seagulls". Our diverse student population of 440 students' encompasses almost 20 different languages. We pride ourselves on implementing a positive school wide climate where "Seagulls Soar and Character Counts!"
Our slogan for the year is "Shooting for the Stars and Beyond." Prior to the ARISS event our PTA is hosting a family event, inviting families to "Come blast off to a new school year!" in which tables will be set up for students to learn more about the International Space Station using interactive presentations, and making arts and crafts. Our neighborhood high school HAMM radio club will have a booth to show our students what a HAMM radio is. We will have community members with telescopes set up for students to look through to catch a glimpse of constellations. Fourth grade students have researched life on the International Space Station and created a book to share with the younger students in the school. All students will continue to learn more about the International Space Station through the educational activities on the NASA website. All 3rd-5th grade students had the opportunity to audition to be a Space Ambassador for the day of the event. The duties of the Space Ambassadors will include: Speakers, Press Greeters, Photographers, and Videographers during the actual event. As one of our students shared about our upcoming ARISS event, "Speaking to an astronaut in outer space is truly a once in a life time opportunity!" Natalie,4th grade.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. What do you eat? How do you eat and drink? How do you get your food?
2. How do you get fresh oxygen? What do you do when you run out of oxygen?
3. How much exercise do you do to stay healthy? How do you exercise?
4. Living in that small space, do you ever get angry at your partners? If
so, how so you solve the problem?
5. How does it feel to live with zero gravity?
6. Does your body hurt when you go through the atmosphere? How does it feel
going from earth to space? When you come back to earth does it feel
7. In space, do you have sunrise and sunset? How do you keep track of time?
Are your days longer or shorter?
8. Why did you decide to become an astronaut?
9. What do you do if you get sick in space? Do you get dizzy when the space
station moves? Have you had any allergic reactions?
10. What are some of the dangers in space? Have you ever been in such a bad
situation that you guys thought you wouldn't survive?
11. In space, are you closer to the sun? How does that feel?
12. What do you do when you are not working? What do you do for fun?
13. What planet do you think we will likely be able to live on in the future?
14. What type of experiments do you do?
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at http://www.ariss.org/upcoming.htm#NextContact.
Next planned event(s):
1. Lafayette Middle School, Lafayette, GA, direct via W4LMS
Fri, 21Sept2012, 15:03 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/ (graciously hosted by the Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN