*Endeavour Marches Toward Launch* *Launch Date:* Aug. 7 *Launch Time:* 7:02 p.m. EDT
STS-118 crew members get a close look at the payloads installed in Space Shuttle Endeavour. Image above: STS-118 crew members get a close look at the payloads installed in Space Shuttle Endeavour. Seen in the foreground are Mission Specialists Dave Williams (center), who represents the Canadian Space Agency, and Tracy Caldwell (right). Photo credit: NASA/George Shelton + View Full Size Image http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/170419main_07pd2030.jpg
*07.27.07 - 4:20 p.m. EDT* Space Shuttle Endeavour is ready to fly, NASA managers concluded July 26 after wrapping up the two-day flight readiness review at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Launch of Endeavour on the STS-118 mission is officially set for Aug. 7.
"On behalf of all the people that work on Endeavour, both here and really across the country, it's a great, great feeling to have Endeavour back on the pad," said Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach. "We're looking forward to a great launch."
Launch preparations continue at Launch Pad 39A. Hypergolic propellant has been loaded into the solid rocket booster hydraulic power units, as well as Endeavour's orbital maneuvering system, forward reaction control system and auxiliary power units. The suits to be worn on the mission's spacewalks have been stowed, and flight crew equipment and supplies are being loaded into the crew cabin. Payload closeouts include camera tests on the shuttle's robotic arm and orbiter boom sensor system.
The 22nd flight to the International Space Station, STS-118 will be the first flight for Endeavour since 2002, and the first mission for Mission Specialist Barbara Morgan, the teacher-turned-astronaut whose association with NASA began more than 20 years ago.
*Mission Information* + STS-118 Mission Overview http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts118/index.html + STS-118 Fact Sheet (900 Kb PDF) http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/182903main_STS118%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf + STS-118 Briefing Animations http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts118/multimedia/sts118_anim_07102007.html + STS-117 Mission Archive http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts117/main/index.html