G'day Norm and all
Whilst ARISS may be a diplomatic and administrative success, in terms of delivering results it has been an abject failure. From a users point of view the only project that works as advertised is the schools contact project.
With all respect, I think this is a very unfortune, unpleasent, unfare and inacurate statement. Either you have second intentions, or you have wrong information. The hundrents (maybe thousands?) hams who have made a random QSO can explain you why. I know that every ham on earth wish everytime they tune ISS frequency and call, an astrounaut reply back. Unfortunatly, that's not possible. Nobody advertise that would ever happen, simply because it will not. So, track every pass you can, and one day you will have an oportunity too. Just don't expect ISS hams will be like on MIR days because time has changed. Astrounauts now also have internet, and like most hams, spend more time comunicating there than on the radio. Last, but certanly not least, maybe someone else can do better than actual ARISS teams, but I totally support them, and have fully confidence that they are doing the best they can for the beneffit of all of us, even without the proper comunity recognition.
73 F.Costa, CT1EAT