Kenneth, N5VHO schrieb:
Hmmm. I hadn't heard about any PSK-31 experiments coming up for ISS. The only one I knew about is the one that just went down when PCSAT-2 was returned.
Kenneth - N5VHO
Hi Kenneth
--- Thomas Frey [email protected] wrote:
Also for the comming PSK31- and HF-experiments on the ISS.
No, I mean comming PSK31-experiments on Bob Bruningas Sats and also on AO-51 and for the HF-experiments comming on the ISS. Both will have a 10m uplink I think. I hope, I have set it right, Sorry my bad English.
What kind of HF-experiments are planned on ISS ? Are there known yet ?
Regards, 73 Thomas Frey, HB9SKA ______________________________________________________________________
Thomas Frey, Holzgasse 2, CH-5242 Birr, Tel. + Fax: 056 444 93 41 http://home.datacomm.ch/th.frey/ Packet Radio (AX.25): HB9SKA @ HB9PD.CHE.EU