MM schrieb:
Disclaimer, Hardware and Projects:
As with all payloads and projects going into ISS, the priority of a project and payload determines its status. If another project comes along with a higher priority, it is possible that the Amateur radio hardware can be removed from the flight manifest at any time before launch. We will not know for sure until a few weeks after launch if the Amateur Radio hardware was actually shipped to ISS on Progress-30.
Hello all
Have you any information that the HAM hardware was removed or have we to wait a few weeks as Miles wrote ?
Mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen, Regards, 73 Thomas Frey, HB9SKA ______________________________________________________________________
Thomas Frey, Holzgasse 2, CH-5242 Birr, Tel. + Fax: 056 444 93 41 http://home.datacomm.ch/th.frey/