AMSAT-NA Members:
After the 2014 AMSAT-NA Board of Directors election ballots were mailed, we were notified by our printer that old stock return envelopes were inadvertently included. These have the old Silver Spring, MD address. The ballot postcard and other documents have the correct Kensington, MD address. Mail is being efficiently forwarded to the new AMSAT-NA office address, and will continue to be forwarded for several months. You may use either the envelope included in the packet, or your own envelope or address label to send the ballot to the current address:
AMSAT The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation 10605 Concord Street Kensington, MD 20895 USA
We and our printer regret any inconvenience. Whichever method you chose, please return them promptly to ensure that your ballot is received by 15 September!
Alan Biddle WA4SCA AMSAT Corporate Secretary