ISS Amateur Radio Status: August 21, 2006
Slow Scan TV on ISS update Saving Image format
By Miles Mann WF1F,
MAREX-MG News www.marexmg.org
Manned Amateur Radio Experiment
Hi everyone.
On July 30 ISS Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov activated the SSTV project for few orbits from the International Space Station. Several more images were sent on the weekend of August 13/14. The testing proved that he had the entire basic configuration set up correctly.
Our thanks to the many stations that received and decode the test images. SSTV Images from ISS were received in many countries, including Russia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia and many more. Below is a link to one of the best images we received.
I have set up a new page to show many of the images we have received. To date, I have 7 unique images from ISS and many repeats. I you have new images; please forward that image to Marex at:
During the testing phase the ISS Slow Scan TV system may be intermittingly transmitting somewhere in the ITU approved 2-meter satellite band (144.000 146.000 MHz FM). After testing is completed the system will eventually be moved to a permanent frequency in the 2-meter ITU Satellite band.
Due to crew work loads and a recent space walk we are not sure when Pavel will have time for additional testing.
Over the next few weeks we maybe receiving images from the International Space station via Slow Scan TV (SSTV). The Marex team will be collecting these images from the amateur Radio and SWL community and we will post the best.
We would like to collect all images received. However in order to properly catalog the images we request you use the following image naming format.
After you receive you images, please rename the images using the following format, All Lower case letters. I have updated the naming format to shorten the file names.
Year 2006, Month 07, Day31, z, (UTC time), Call sign, Short text description, .JPG
Old format: 20060731z1905wf1fwindowshot.jpg
New format: 0607311905wf1f.jpg
I removed the first two numbers of the year and the Z for UTC time. All dates are assumed to be in UTC dates. The images coming down from ISS will also have a time stamp embedded into the image. You can also use these numbers to generate you file names.
If we break this down Year =06 Month = 07 Day = 31 Time = 1905 UTC Call sign = wf1f Description (optional) = Windows shot Image format = jpg
Image Quality Please do not put a lot of text over lays on the images, Example, do not put web page or advertisements in the image. Your own call sign and date are acceptable.
Send all images directly to Marex at [email protected]
We would also like to know the following information in your email.
Name or Call sign Country / State Receiver Software decoding tool Elevation or range of ISS when you decoded the image.
Slide Show Mode: The Marex SpaceCam1 software contains a feature called Slide Show mode. It allows the crew to preload a directory full of images that will be automatically transmitted to Earth. The crew will not need to keep pushing a button to send images. In theory the system can run for weeks at a time without crew involvement.
The next phase of testing may use the frequency 145.800 MHz FM for the SSTV down link. The Slide Show mode will only be testing the Down link. The uplink frequency will not be published.
SpaceCam1: The SpaceCam project will be able to transmit over 200 SSTV images per day (Robot 36 format).
How to Decode SSTV from Space: http://www.marexmg.org/fileshtml/howtouseiss.html All SSTV transmissions will be in FM mode and will most likely be on the 2-meter band. This means that the Doppler frequency drift will not be much of a problem and you will be able to use your existing 2-meter station or a police scanner to hear and decode the signals from ISS.
If you have already have been successful in working the Packet station or talked to the ISS crew on 2-meter voice, than you already have most of what you need. Whats left is to connect your computer to the speaker of your radio and some SSTV decoding software, such as ChromaPix or similar software. http://www.barberdsp.com/
There are many choices in SSTV software, some Free, others with more features cost a few bucks. http://www.marexmg.org/fileshtml/sstvlinkpage.html
So have fun, find your best setup and start practicing how to decode SSTV on 2-meters.
Marexmg Web page http://www.marexmg.org
73 Miles WF1F MAREX-MG
Until we meet again
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