Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Status Report August 23, 2010
1. Upcoming School Contact
South Hobart Primary School, South Hobart, Tasmania, Australia has been scheduled for an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Friday, August 27 at 06:43 UTC via station K6DUE in Greenbelt, Maryland. The ARISS activity has been incorporated into the school science curriculum through lessons covering the solar system, space exploration and the history of astronomy. Students completed research projects on the planets of the solar system, kept phases of the moon diaries and wrote stories and poetry relating to these topics.
2. Da Vinci Science Center Contact was a Success
On Wednesday, August 18, astronaut Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC on the ISS participated in an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with the DaVinci Science Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Telebridge station LU8YY in Argentina facilitated the connection. Approximately 80 campers watched as Wheelock answered ten questions put to him by 8 first and second graders. The contact was integrated into Da Vinci's 2010 Summer Camp Program. Students learned about space through lessons from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Education Office. In addition, the Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club provided instruction on Amateur Radio and demonstrated VHF to the youngsters. The Morning Call posted an article on the event. See: http://blogs.mcall.com/parents/2010/08/lehigh-valley-student-talk-to-astrona...
3. ARRL Article on Boy Scout Jamboree
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) posted a web story on the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree, held in Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia on July 26-August 4, which incorporated an ARISS contact into its amateur radio activities. Six thousand scouts toured the K2BSA demonstration station, 210 scouts earned Radio merit badges and 147 people were licensed during the event. The story was also carried in the August 19 ARRL Letter. See: http://www.arrl.org/news/k2bsa-amateur-radio-fun-in-the-warm-virginia-sun
4. ISS Ham Debrief with JAXA Astronaut
Expedition 22/23 JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi, KD5TVP participated in an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) debrief session on Tuesday, August 17. His comments on the ISS Ham radio equipment and school contacts will aid the ARISS team with its program operations.
5. ARISS International Team Meeting Held
The ARISS International Team held its monthly teleconference on Tuesday, August 17. Discussions included the next face to face meeting, the Columbus module equipment, and a status on ARISSat-1. Minutes have been posted. See: https://www.rac.ca/ariss/arisstel2010-08-17.htm
6. ARISSat-1 Status
On August 22, the AMSAT News Service (ANS-234) weekly bulletin provided an update on ARISSat-1. See: http://amsat.org/pipermail/ans/2010/000436.html
7. ARISS News on Amateur Radio Newsline
On August 20, the Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1723 included a story about astronauts repairing a faulty cooling system on the ISS and how ARISS contacts were affected. "Ham Radio in Space: ISS Cooling System Affects ARISS Contacts" may be found at: ftp://ftp.arnewsline.org/quincy/News/news.txt
8. Astronaut Training Status
ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA has been scheduled for an ARISS refresher course on September 3, during which he will be briefed on procedures to install the VHF Ericsson radio system in the Columbus module. Nespoli is slated to fly with Expedition 26 in November 2010.