Andrew Glasbrenner schrieb:
On 11/18/2010 12:07 PM, Thomas Frey wrote:
I fully agree with Domenico. BTW there is no website or a video presentation known about the project FOX. Is this a "paper tiger" ?
http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/images/fck_images/2010_President_Annual_Repor... Slides 14 through 17
There were multiple presentations regarding FOX at the recent Symposium. Feel free to pick up a copy of the proceedings until they get posted on the website.
This are projects from HAMs for HAMs with Linear Transponders.
So is ARISSat-1, along with a new robust telemetry system, and several SSTV cameras.
Sorry folks, we have fairly enough FM repeaters in the orbit.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize that soliciting donations for an AMSAT-NA project on an AMSAT-NA list required your approval. You are free to support whatever project you like, but you are IMO crossing the line of good taste and manners attacking our project on our own email list. If I were an AMSAT-DL or -ZL officer, I'd be embarrassed to have you harassing an AMSAT-NA on their behalf. Personally I have donated to all of the above mentioned projects. I also voted as a Director of AMSAT to spend a large amount of money, a substantial percentage of what the FOX launch will cost, to keep AMSAT-DL's lab open to continue work on P3E. I also voted to spend an even larger amount of money on lawyers to try to find a way to allow AMSAT-NA volunteers to work on foreign projects without risking jail under ITAR.
73, Drew KO4MA
Dear Drew
It was not my purpose to attack your funding campaign, my apologies. It was my purpose to reflect the meanings about FM satellites made from HAMs they knows, how a QSO operates. I think you knows that a single FM channel works only for 2 persons at the same time. I don't have to explain you amateur radio, we both are civilized amateurs who want to make a QSO and don't want to stump down our friends.
I wish you and AMSAT-NA good luck for all coming projects, also for ARISSat with a Linear Transponder of course.