*ISS Progress 22 Ready for Undocking Today*
iss013e38937 -- An ISS Progress 20 cargo craft undocks from the station Image above: The ISS Progress 20 cargo craft undocks from the station on June 19, 2006. Image credit: NASA. TOVIEW IMAGE GO TO:
The ISS Progress 22 cargo craft will undock from the International Space Station today at 6:29 p.m. EST. The Russian-built spacecraft, which is carrying discarded items, will then enter the Earth's atmosphere three hours later and burn up safely. The undocking clears the station’s Pirs Docking Compartment for the arrival of a new cargo craft on Friday, Jan. 19.
The ISS Progress 24 will launch Wednesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 9:12 p.m. The cargo craft is delivering propellant, oxygen, spacewalk gear and clothing.
The Progress launch is also commemorating the 100th birthday of Sergei Korolev who was born Jan. 12, 1907. Korolev is recognized as the "Great Designer" of Soviet spacecraft.
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