*Crew Set for Soyuz Move Thursday*
ISS015-E-29050 : Astronaut Clay Anderson in Destiny lab Image above: Expedition 15 Flight Engineer Clay Anderson uses a communication system in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station. Credit: NASA TO VIEW IMAGE GO TO:http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html
The Expedition 15 crew members continue to work on science, station maintenance and preparations for Thursday's relocation of their Soyuz spacecraft.
Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin spent Wednesday morning working with PLASMA-ISS, a Russian experiment that measures the plasma environment on the exterior of the International Space Station.
Yurchikhin later joined with Flight Engineer Oleg Kotov to close the hatches between the Progress cargo craft and the Pirs docking compartment.
Also on Wednesday, Flight Engineer Clay Anderson talked by ham radio with students at Art and Pat Goforth Elementary School in League City, Texas.
The crew is set for Thursday's relocation of the Soyuz TMA-10 spacecraft. With Kotov at the controls, the Soyuz will move to the aft port of the Zvezda service module, freeing up the Zarya nadir, or Earth-facing, port for the arrival of Expedition 16 on Oct. 12.
NASA TV coverage of the Soyuz move begins at 3 p.m. EDT. Undocking occurs about 3:18 p.m.
+ Read more about the Soyuz move http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition15/soyuzmove.html
+ View crew daily timelines http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/timelines/index.html + Read more about Expedition 15 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition15/index.html + Read more about Expedition 16 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition16/index.html