With the recent discussion surrounding representation in the ARISS program, several questions have been bouncing around my head.
As to ARRL...what is their investment in, or commitment to the ARISS program. I ask because their formal representation to their members is minimal as noted from this month's ISS status report:
"...ARRL QST Covers ARISS News
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) published two small ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) related news items in its September 2009 issue of QST. One item pointed readers to the article on the Garriotts, "Two Generations of Hams in Space" that ran in The Bridge, printed by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society. The second item was a notice to readers that space shuttle Endeavour carried three astronauts to the ISS who are hams and would be doing ARISS educational activities.
The ARRL monthly journal has a circulation of 150,000."
And secondly, as to AMSAT's regard for the ARISS program...why has there always been an extreme effort to separate the bulletin board messages concerning the ISS by isolating it's content to the SAREX board as AMSAT is indeed a major representative of American amateurs concerning ISS/ARISS matters and as a result any pertinent information should be available to all AMSAT members?
I think these are fair questions...
Roger WA1KAT