Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.
Many of you may know Arthur from his email postings on space related topics on the Amsat and Sarex bulletin boards. Arthur was a good friend and an avid manned space station enthusiast. He was well known by many of the Mir and ISS ham crews.
When I became too busy to post the Marex news, Arthur stepped right in with his own new items to keep us informed. His last Sarex message was posted the day before he became a silent key.
Subject: [sarex] Discovery Undocks From Space Station From: Arthur Rowe azrowe80@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 08:47:27 -0500
He will be missed. Bon Voyage, Set course for the first star to the left, then straight on till morning.
73 de WF1F
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