For those schools that have scheduled ARISS contacts with Charles Simonyi during the remainder of his mission, I have a slide show that I prepared for the Milwee Middle School contact the other day. I was quite a bit of work to create it, so I decided to make it available to other schools on the schedule for Charles. I received the ok from Will Marchant at ARISS to make this available. This is something to show before, during and after the event and includes some of Charles's activities so far on the mission. It is available from my server account. Just go to www.mydrive.ch/en. Next, enter the username as "plethra2" and then use the password "aa4kn_1". Finally, double click on the ARISS SLIDE SHOW folder and download the available files. This should allow you to run this Powerpoint file from any computer. Good luck on your contact.
Dave, AA4KN