*Crew Continues to Resolve Software Problems*
ISS015-E-13630 --- Fyodor Yurchikhin performs maintenance on telemetry hardwareImage above: Fyodor Yurchikhin wears communication headgear as he does maintenance on telemetry hardware in the Zvezda Service Module. Image credit: NASA
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Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin and Flight Engineer Oleg Kotov continued to monitor the upload of new software into the Russian segment computers. Meanwhile Flight Engineer Clay Anderson helped them stow items no longer needed on the station in the ISS Progress 24 cargo craft. The Progress craft is scheduled to undock on Aug. 1.
Kotov and Anderson each completed mandatory computer-based Crew Medical Officer proficiency training. The training session is done once a month.
Late Friday, Anderson delayed his sleep period to handle a file-server crash. Flight controllers and Anderson worked hard for several hours to repair the Station Support Computer File Server. The server was reloaded with Expedition 15 software and all functions were restored with no impact to station operations.
Anderson also set up and activated the EarthKAM hardware for a new session. The camera is at the Lab science window and takes pictures by remote operation from the ground, without crew interaction. EarthKAM is an education program that enables thousands of students to photograph Earth from space. The student requests are uplinked to a laptop, which then activates the camera at specified times and receives the digital images from the camera for subsequent downlink.
+ Read more about Expedition 15 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition15/index.html + View crew daily timelines http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/timelines/index.html