As I recall from my days of film making with the late Roy Neal, K6DUE, (who was the person who literally began the manned ham radio in space operations through his connections with NASA) the reason the frequencies are -- as they are -- is the result of three years of exhaustive research by the folks who are responsible for any ham radio being ion the ISS. The choice was made so that ARISS operations interfere with no-body -- and hopefully -- nobody on the ground interferes with ARISS.
Changing hats: Since the 1960's I have been researching and writing about bandplanning -- repeaters -- remote bases -- etc. The first 26 years for the now defunct 73 Magazine (Looking west) and the past several years for Worldradio. As such, I have an ongoing information flow that few if any of you have.
And it boils down to this: Not all the world having the same bandplans as the USA and North America. And the "world" is not going to change to satisfy a small group of folks who -- now and then -- want to talk to an astronaut or cosmonaut.
Rather, those interested in such an activity can only perform it because the rest of the world'a ham radio community permits it to happen. And the rest of the world of ham radio has -- in a defacto sense -- has dictated to manned space enthusiasts where they can operate.
The bottom line: Be happy that you can have the opportunity to make these contacts at all and stop moaning because you may have to twiddle a dial once in a while. Just consider it as being the way it is -- and the way its going to remain -- because it is not within any of your power to change.
de Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF
At 04:55 PM 8/12/2006, McGrane wrote:
Greetings after a busy day and to continue, the choice of a simplex frequency is easy; 145.800
On Sat, 12 Aug 2006, Ransom, Kenneth G. (JSC-OC)[BAR] wrote:
Does a (1) non interfering (2) two meter (3) satellite (4) simplex
frequency for worldwide use exist?
I guess one would need to start with the approved world wide satellite
frequencies - 144-146 MHz.
Then overlay regional usage band plans and see what was left.
The ARRL band plan
( for the USA has satellite operations from 144.30-144.50 and 145.80-146.00. That limits it down in a hurry so that criteria #1 is met.
What do other regional band plans have in that range that meet the
first criteria?
Kenneth - N5VHO
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