ARISS News Release no.15-07

*ARISS NEWS RELEASE * *no. 15-07*
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*Saturday, February 21, 2015*
*David Jordan, AA4KN*
*ISS EVAs Alter Russian SSTV Event Schedule*
February 21, 2015 – EVA activities on board the ISS have caused a change in plans for Russian SSTV transmissions that were to take place on board the ISS on Saturday, Feb. 21 and continue through Monday, Feb. 23, ending at the crew’s sleep time. In a news release from Gaston Bertels – ON4WF, ARISS-Europe Chairman, he states that SSTV transmissions “will possibly take place on Sunday and Monday”.
If activated, the Slow Scan Television signals will be transmitted at 145.800 MHz using the high resolution mode PD180 with 12 different photos being sent throughout the event with 3 minute off periods between transmissions. One of the photos will be a commemorative diploma created by the National Polish Amateur Radio Society celebrating the 80th anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut, J.A. Gagarine.
See below for more details on the ISS EVA activity.
Any further updates will be posted at the official ARISS Twitter and Facebook accounts noted below.
Reposted from – Latest News section
Original post date: February 20, 2015
Astronauts Wilmore, Virts and Cristoforetti will be performing three spacewalks over the next few weeks that will impact some of the amateur radio operations on the International Space Station (ISS). Spacewalks have been scheduled for February 21, 25 and March 1 and will have the amateur radios turned off to assure the safety of the crewmembers working outside of the ISS. The series of spacewalks will prepare cables and communications gear for new docking ports that will allow future crews launched from Florida on U.S. commercial spacecraft to dock to the space station. The spacewalks will be the 185th, 186th and 187th in support of space station assembly and maintenance.
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David Jordan, AA4KN
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David H Jordan