ARISS News Release 14-01

June 8, 2014
David Jordan, AA4KN
Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM appointed as ARISS Regional Representative
The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) has appointed Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM to be the new ARISS Regional Representative. Ian replaces former representative, Daniel Lamoureux, VE2KA.
Rosalie White K1STO, ARISS-ARRL Delegate and ARISS-International Secretary-Treasurer comments by saying .
"Canadian ARISS representatives have always been a huge benefit to the ARISS team. Not only have the Canadians contributed a great deal of sound thinking and hard work, but many have been highly active with IARU long before getting involved in ARISS -- this was a huge benefit since ARISS is an international group. Also, because Canadians, generally, are talented in multiple languages, Canadian ARISS reps take on schools and education groups in Mexico, Central America, and South America (in addition to Canada) who send ARISS education proposals. Historically, Canadian ARISS reps have handled the election processes for ARISS international officers. We know Ian will add a lot to our team, as well."
In a recent press release from RAC, Geoff Bawden VE4BAW, RAC President says ."Mr. MacFarquhar has been Vice President, supervised the successful insurance program and has been a pillar in RAC for longer than he cares to remember."
sources: RAC web site:
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