Launch Postponed 24 Hours; Crew Arrives at Kennedy

*Launch Postponed 24 Hours; Crew Arrives at Kennedy* *Launch Date:* Aug. 8 *Launch Time:* 6:36 p.m. EDT
Image above: The STS-118 crew members pause for a photo at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility after arriving for their upcoming launch. Photo credit: NASA + View Full Size Image
*08.03.07 - 5 p.m. EDT* The launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour on mission STS-118 has been postponed 24 hours to allow the shuttle processing team additional time to complete routine work before liftoff. The new launch is targeted for Wednesday, Aug. 8, at 6:36 p.m. EDT. (2236 UTC) The additional day will provide time to complete the processing and allow the countdown to begin at 8 p.m.(0000 UTC) Sunday.
Led by Commander Scott Kelly, the STS-118 flight crew has arrived at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility aboard a NASA jet. The seven astronauts will spend the remaining days until launch undergoing final prelaunch preparations, including suit fit checks, briefings, medical exams and landing practice in the shuttle training aircraft.
"I would like to congratulate all the orbiter teams here at the Kennedy Space Center for the really outstanding effort they gave trying to get Endeavour ready to go for a Tuesday launch," said Commander Scott Kelly upon arriving at the spaceport.
An earlier leak in Endeavour's crew cabin has been fully resolved. The problem was traced to one of two positive pressure-relief valves that ensure that the cabin does not become over-pressurized. The suspect valve was removed and replaced with a valve from Atlantis. Another round of testing was successfully completed last night, with no leakage detected.
The 22nd flight to the International Space Station, STS-118 will be the first flight for Endeavour since 2002, and the first mission for Mission Specialist Barbara Morgan, the teacher-turned-astronaut whose association with NASA began more than 20 years ago.
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Arthur Rowe