ARISS Contact Friday

Please join us in listening to the ISS contact with participants at the
Indiana Area School District, Indiana, PA, USA on Friday October 17th. AOS is anticipated at 1641 UTC.
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and IK1SLD in Italy.
Indiana, Pennsylvania is a rural town with a population of 32,000 that is situated sixty miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Our residents enjoy the convenient proximity to a major city, as well as the community-feel and lifestyle of a small town. The Indiana Area School District has provided a dynamic high-quality educational program for over 170 years. Our four K-5 elementary schools, one 6-8 junior high school and one 9-12 senior high school serve 2800 students district wide.
In addition to distinguished academic achievement, our students’ activities include fundraising for a variety of charitable causes, school and community leadership, as well as setting new standards for excellence in both academic and athletics competitions. In fact, we currently boast two National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists and a third honoree. We are proud of our student’s accomplishments!
Our dynamic school programs are part of the building blocks for student success. Beginning with a commitment to early childhood and pre-K programs to increase student learning readiness, to the rigor and challenge of enrichment options at the elementary school level. Our secondary programs include an array of Advanced Placement and STEM course offerings, dual enrollment options, and our own cyber school option for students. Many local residents will tell you, “Indiana, PA is a great place to raise a family.” This is true because we blend the small town community with a school system that continually strives to provide cutting-edge programs that prepare students to be successful citizens.
Audio from this contact will be fed into the:
EchoLink *AMSAT* (101377) conference server
IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector
On the Web for Windows, Mac, iOS & Android Devices at:
Audio on Echolink & web stream is generally transmitted around 20 minutes prior to the contact taking place so that you can hear some of the preparation that occurs. IRLP will begin just prior to the ground station call to the ISS.
Due to changes with the AMSAT Server, laptop listeners are encouraged to set the timers in Echolink ( with the software open go to TOOLS - SETUP - TIMING and set receive and inactivity timers to 0 ) to avoid timing out. RF link users may time out.
** Contact times are approximate. If the ISS executes a reboost or other manoeuvre, the AOS (Acquisition Of Signal) time may alter by a few minutes **
ARISS Audio Distribution
participants (1)
John Spasojevich