ARISS Contact @ PACIFICON this Saturday

Please join us in listening to the ISS contact with participants at:
PACIFICON - ARRL Pacific Division Conference & 2012 ARRL National Convention
Saturday 13 October 2012 AOS at 18:57 UTC
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and IK1SLD in Italy.
The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
PACIFICON 2012, a premiere wireless event, will be held October 12, 13, and 14, 2012 and will host the 2012 ARRL National Convention and Exposition. Over 2,500 amateur radio enthusiasts are expected to attend. The 2012 PACIFICON Youth program includes a “Youth Lounge” and forums throughout the convention weekend; the Youth program is positioned in the middle of the exhibit hall and provides STEM educational goals which include hands on radio operation, electronics kit building and soldering classes, Ohm’s Law, orbital mathematics, CubeSat satellite design, and popular radio transmitter T-Hunts. A scheduled ARISS radio contact and a presentation by NASA astronaut, Dr. Lee M. Morin KF5DDB, will highlight the Youth Lounge activities. Free admission is provided to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Brownie, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, 4-H members, and to all youth. The Youth Forum will include young Amateur radio enthusiasts Andrea Hartlege KG4IUM, former ARRL South Eastern Division Vice Director and Katie Stensrud K7KTI, a young ham from Nevada, and many amateur radio educational resources from the ARRL & AMSAT. Pacificon 2012 will operate the convention FCC Special Event Station W6P, the ARRL’s W1AW/6, additional stations will be operated remotely from the convention site as well as two fully automated satellite earth stations. PACIFICON 2012 will offer over 120 educational forums and programs, including a forum hosted by AMSAT on Amateur Satellite Communications, approximately sixteen indoor on-the-air exhibits, and eight outdoor on-the-air exhibits will be hosted.
Audio from this contact will be fed into the:
EchoLink *AMSAT* (101377) and *JK1ZRW* (277208) servers
IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector Streaming Audio at
Audio on Echolink & web stream is generally transmitted around 20 minutes prior to the contact taking place so that you can hear some of the preparation that occurs. IRLP will begin just prior to the ground station call to the ISS.
Please note that on Echolink there are automatic breaks of 1.5 seconds in the audio transmission. These occur every 2.5 minutes during the event. Breaks on IRLP are manual and occur approximately after every third question.
** Contact times are approximate. If the ISS executes a reboost or other manoeuvre, the AOS (Acquisition Of Signal) time may alter by a few minutes **
John - AG9D
ARISS Audio Distribution
participants (1)
John Spasojevich