Re: [Bod] Re: [eu-amsat] Re: [amsat-bb] Re: sirius orbit name?

The members give us essentially zero dollars to support the building and launching of satellites through their dues. What they barely cover (if they do cover it) is their membership costs. All other dollars are direct contributions to specific missions on the web site or president's club donations. The rules for the president's club donations are straightforward. The board of directors, elected by the members, is entitled under the bylaws of the corporation to do what they see fit with the dollars. If a person doesn't like the president's club, they can make specific project donations.
Your statements show your ignorance and conspiracy theory paranoia as usual. We desire a large system that will eventually encompass the globe for geostationary. In addition, we are supporting Phase 3E with MORE DOLLARS THAN WE ARE GETTING FROM INTERNATIONAL DONORS.
Go crawl back under the snow up there and cool your head off.
Luc Leblanc wrote:
On 21 Feb 2008 at 23:23, Alan Sieg WB5RMG wrote:
The Sirius birds are in an "Inclined Orbit".
Is this type of orbit can be a solution for the next HEO?
The reference to the Molniya orbit could be to recall the orbit of AO-13... slow high-altitude lingering Northern Hemisphere apogees, rotating ascending nodes about the globe to distribute coverage more evenly around the globe. Over the US, next over Europe, then over Asia. This was very popular at the time, and would likely be welcomed again.
I would suspect that a 'tundra-inclined orbit', fixed over the US as the Sirius Radio Sats are, would not be as internationally well supported.
Hi Alan
When i wrote "Is this type of orbit can be a solution for the next HEO?" i was reading that the AMSAT´s main missions which include the geosynchronous Phase IV Lite rideshare opportunity with Intelsat will do exactly what you said above " I would suspect that a 'tundra- inclined orbit', fixed over the US as the Sirius Radio Sats are, would not be as internationally well supported."
How much of the international funds given to AMSAT-NA by the various international contributors will be diverted to the intelsat project? and how much of the very restricted humans ressources will also be diverted to this project detrimental to the others?
On February 7 2007 the following document has been signed by Peter DB2OS, Rick W2GPS J, Jim G3WGM
Memorandum of Understanding between AMSAT-DL, AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NA
AMSAT-DL for the last five years has been building the P3-E spacecraft to be launched into a HEO and intended as a replacement for previous P3 satellites. It's purpose is to facilitate communication between radio-amateurs worldwide and at the same time to test and verify technologies and procedures needed for the P5-A mission to Mars. AMSAT-DL to this day has invested about 500,000 Euro into this project.
AMSAT-NA and AMSAT-UK wish to contribute to the P3-E project, primarily with the goal to have the launch of P3-E as early as possible in order to give to their respective members the use of the communication services provided by P3- E.
It is recognized that the capability of AMSAT-DL to raise funds limits the speed of the development of P3-E. In order to make a launch possible in 2008, AMSAT-DL has an immediate need of 40,000 Euro and an estimated need of ~200,000 Euro prior to the actual launch-date. AMSAT-NA and AMSAT-UK wish to help with the raising of these requirements by providing 30,000 Euro (AMSAT-NA) and 10,000 Euro (AMSAT-UK) in the near future. Furthermore, they wish to contribute by raising additional funding as the actual launch arrangements materialize. In order to achieve an effective cooperation in the funding effort and the construction and launching of P3-E, the following details to implement the cooperation are agreed:
- The three AMSAT organizations will closely coordinate their activities
and monitor progress of the project by frequent mutual consultations on the telephone. To this end the three parties will hold nominally a monthly telephone conference to review the status of the project and to identify problem areas. At this time the three organizations will be represented by Rick, Jim and Peter at these telephone-conferences.
- According to need, the three organizations agree to hold sufficiently
frequent meetings in person to review the project status. These meetings are assumed to be desirable with a frequency of 6-12 month between them.
- It is understood by all three organizations that procuring a timely
launch for P3-E is one of the bigger challenges of the project. AMSAT-DL is concentrating major efforts of procuring a launch with Arianespace, while AMSAT- NA is trying to develop a launch opportunity within the USA. All parties recognize that major progress in funding is contingent on a firm launch agreement. All parties further recognize that a timely construction and integration of P3-E is critically dependent on all parties giving highest priority to fulfilling their respective commitments.
- All three organizations understand that funding progress is dependent on
effective information dissemination worldwide. To this end the three organizations reiterate their mutual agreement that each organization can publish all P3-E related publications of the other two organizations in their respective public organs without special permission. Furthermore, each organization is free to prepare 'official' statements about the project, but these publications must be agreed with the project management of P3-E (AMSAT- DL) prior to publication. Requests for agreement to publish will be sent to Peter (or another person chosen by him), who will use best efforts to respond within 7 days with an answer. With other publications by individual authors no such agreement is necessary provided that the context makes it is clear that the publication is not an official declaration by the project management or AMSAT-DL.
- AMSAT-DL reiterates that the operational use of P3-E will be primarily to
provide amateur radio communication services. But all parties also understand that the spacecraft is a dual service satellite, and that AMSAT-DL retains the right to occasionally reduce the provision of amateur radio services if work towards P5-A requires this. A-DL will use due diligence to minimize the impact of the P5-A requirements on the provision of amateur services.
Peter DB2OS Rick W2GPS J Jim G3WGM
In the scope of this agreement i believe the two europeans AMSAT'S where consulted and they probably actively supported this AMSAT-NA intelsat project? But from my point of view it looks like some sort of treason? But with any choice of target of opportunity it is very easy for some to not even respect their own signatures...
I send you this message directly and also on EU-AMSAT YAHOO GROUP as the AMSAT président Hambly wrote me on April 7 2007 and i quote him
"Your messages will now be moderated. Any messages containing political content, even if somehow justified as satellite related, will be rejected. So will messages where you violate people's privacy by posting their private messages. Any messages considered inflammatory will also be rejected.
I am sorry to have to take this action and I do not wish to create conflict but your messages are being read by people in a position to be very helpful to AMSAT's ability to build and launch satellites and they are not pleased. If you wish to criticize this or any other AMSAT action, please direct those comments to the responsible individuals rather than the AMSAT-BB list.
Rick W2GPS AMSAT LM2232"
As he or she the AMSAT-NA censor in chief (Who he or she supposed to lived in the best democracy in the world...;)) in the back of his closet will probably block this one again i just hope November 2008 will send a fresh new breeze pushing away this awful rotten smell...
It is an outsider opinion but on the internet we are now living in the same life even if some choose to live in a second one!
Via the BOD mailing list at AMSAT.ORG courtesy of AMSAT-NA

Luc If you don't like the way it's done here, you always have the option of founding your own Amsat group, call it Amsat Canada or something similar. You can then raise funds, build and launch satellites to your design in your preferred orbits...
Or you can stop your stupid clacktrap and let the "professionals" get on with what they do very well with exceedingly limited funds.
Luc Leblanc wrote:
As he or she the AMSAT-NA censor in chief (Who he or she supposed to lived in the best democracy in the world...;)) in the back of his closet will probably block this one again i just hope November 2008 will send a fresh new breeze pushing away this awful rotten smell...
participants (2)
Bob McGwier