Upcoming ARISS contact with Reunion Island

An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Reunion Island on 19 Aug. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 21:31 UTC.The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between RS0ISS and FR1GZ. The contact should be audible over Reunion Island and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
Reunion Island has a special relationship with Cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov since 1997, when a group of young Reunionnese students of College Reydellet created a functionnal scale model of Sputnik-1, together with Russian students in Naltchick, to celebrate Sputnik's 40 anniversary. Guy Pignolet acted as the national French coordinator, Vladimir Syromiatnikov was the Russian advisor, and Sputnik-40-Years, the first highschool satellite in the world, was launched in space during an EVA by Cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, then on board of the Mir Space Station.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Which scientific experiment you did in the Space Station was most
impressive for you?
2. Your birthday will be soon, on 31st August. Will you have a candle on
your birthday cake? If so, what will be the shape of the flame? Happy
3. Your fellow cosmonaut Luca Parmitano experienced recently a water leak in
his spacesuit; how did it go?
4. Can you hear this sound (Students will send the beep-beep of a model of
Sputnik-40-Years satellite)? Does it ring memories for you? Can you
tell us of your encounters with Vladimir Syromiatnikov?
5. Could you tell us about your most far-out space dream?
6. From the Space Station, have you ever seen very special phenomena
occurring in space?
7. With all your experience as a Cosmonaut, do you think that in the future
it will be still interesting to send humans in space, or should we rather
send robots?
8. How long did you first train to become a Cosmonaut?
9. What kind of thoughts come to your mind when you take pictures of Reunion
Island from the Space Station?
10. Do you listen to music in the Space Station and if so, what kind of
11. You already have come to La Reunion. Will you come again after this
flight, and do you remember how to say "good bye" in Reunionnese Creole (
au-revoir zot toute [say Â-toot-] )
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Next planned event(s):
1. Youth Forum near the Black Sea, via TBD
Mon, 2013-08-26 15:30 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/ (graciously hosted by the Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
participants (1)