ISS amateur radio status (Dec 2006)
The Phase I amateur radio gear in the FGB appears to have developed an intermittent audio issue that will require some crew time to be scheduled in order to try and determine the cause of the problem. This system has been used primarily for school contacts since the packet system associated with that radio began exhibiting problems during Expedition 6.
The Phase II system in the ISS service module has not been operating properly since August 2006 when the default settings for the radio changed. The radio transmits and receives fine and continues to be used for school contacts but until the radio is reprogrammed, only intermittent operations will be possible. A computer designated for amateur radio operations that will allow reprogramming of the radio is planned to arrive on the next Progress vehicle in 2007. Until the radio is reprogrammed, it is unlikely that any of the automatic modes (Packet and APRS, SSTV or the Crossband Repeater) will be operating or will only operate for brief periods of time.
Kenneth - N5VHO
ISS Amateur Radio Status: January 9 , 2007
SpaceCam Status Future Marex Packet Mail Project on ISS
By Miles Mann WF1F,
Manned Amateur Radio Experiment
Hi everyone:
SpaceCam Status:
The SpaceCam1 Imaging project on the International Space Station was activated last summer between July 30th and August 26, 2006. The ISS Commander Pavel Vinogradov had a few seconds of spare time last summer to activate and test the SpaceCam1 Slow Scan TV software (SSTV). He was able to prove the whole Amateur Radio system on ISS with antennas, radio and SSTV software would work together as planned. All of the cables, Antenna, radio, pc connections and software were tested. After the testing was complete, the Borrowed Laptop computer had to be returned to a higher priority project. At the present time the Amateur Radio station does not have a dedicated flight qualified laptop assigned to the program. In order to work, the dedicated laptop must be one of the few flight certified versions that NASA uses.
One of the setbacks this year regarding the Amateur Radio projects on ISS, as with any electronic equipment, on earth or in space, the radio equipment does wear out over time. Please see the comments from ARISS Project manager Ken Ransom N5VHO
December 11, 2006 The Phase I amateur radio gear in the FGB appears to have developed an intermittent audio issue that will require some crew time to be scheduled in order to try and determine the cause of the problem. This system has been used primarily for school contacts since the packet system associated with that radio began exhibiting problems during Expedition 6.
The Phase II system in the ISS service module has not been operating properly since August 2006 when the default settings for the radio changed. The radio transmits and receives fine and continues to be used for school contacts but until the radio is reprogrammed, only intermittent operations will be possible. A computer designated for Amateur radio operations that will allow reprogramming of the radio is planned to arrive on the next Progress vehicle in 2007. Until the radio is reprogrammed, it is unlikely that any of the automatic modes (Packet and APRS, SSTV or the Crossband Repeater) will be operating or will only operate for brief periods of time.
Kenneth - N5VHO ***
The Phase I hardware that Ken is referring to is the Ericcson 2-meter HT. See attached link. The Ericcson 2-Meter HT was delivered to ISS via the STS-106 Shuttle September 2000 and was activated a few months later and is still being used in 2007.
The Phase II system is the Kenwood D700, with special software and hardware modifications. The D700 has been in operation since December 8, 2003. How many years has your mobile radio been in continuous operation?
Received SSTV Images (July August) To date, we have received 9 different SpaceCam SSTV images from the International Space Station. Well over 300 images were sent to Earth from ISS during the short test cycle.
Our thanks to the many stations that received and decode the test images. SpaceCam Images from ISS were received in many countries, including Russia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia and many more. Below is a link to the SpaceCam home page and list of some of the images we have received.
For information on how to receive these messages, check out the MAREX link:
If you have any more that are different or have better quality, please forward those images to Marex. Mail your images to Marex at: [email protected] We would like to collect all images received. However in order to properly catalog the images we request you use the following image naming format. After you receive you images, please rename the images using the following format, All Lower case letters. I have updated the file naming format to shorten the file names.
Year 06, Month 07, Day 31, (UTC time), Call sign, Short text description, .JPG
New format: 0607311905wf1f.jpg
If we break this down Year =06 Month = 07 Day = 31 Time = 1905 UTC Call sign = wf1f Description (optional) = Windows shot Image format = jpg
Image Quality Please do not put any text over lays on the images, Example, do not put web page or advertisements in the image. Your own call sign and date are acceptable.
We would also like to know the following information in your email.
Name or Call sign Country / State Receiver Software decoding tool Elevation or range of ISS when you decoded the image.
SSTV Decoding Software
There are many choices in SSTV software, some Free, others with more features cost a few bucks.
So have fun, find your best setup and start practicing how to decode SSTV on 2-meters.
Future Marex Packet Mail Project on ISS
The Marex team as been experimenting with Space packet mail for many years. On the Russian Space Station Mir, we supported the DLR Packet mail project for several years and eventually upgraded the Mir Mail system with the Kantronics KPC-9612 TNC in 1997. The KPC was a big step forward and provided the System operators with the ability to fully remote control the flying Mail box on Mir. The Mir crew used the Packet system extensively. Now Marex is working on a new project to install a new packet mail system on ISS. We will use the same reliable KPC-9612 packet system, with expanded capabilities, including the ability for multiple users to access the Mail box at the same time. The KPC-9612 also supports all of the standard features we have become accustomed to using.
This project is still in the very early stages of development and scheduling. There is no time line of flight or activation at this time. Your support is welcome.
ARISS Web page and other great Space projects
73 Miles WF1F MAREX-MG
Until we meet again
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participants (2)
Ransom, Kenneth G. (JSC-OC)[BAR]