Expedition 14 Crew Tests the HDTV Space Video Gateway

18 OCTOBER 2006 Expedition 14 Crew Tests the HDTV Space Video Gateway
--- International Space Station Image above:*** the International Space Station against the blackness of space and Earth's horizon. Photo credit: NASA
On Wednesday the crew conducted a test of the Space Video Gateway to be used in November for the first HDTV interactive downlinks with the Discovery Channel and NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai). The hardware was provided by NASA and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency for temporary installation on the space station.
Launch of the ISS Progress 23 cargo craft is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 23, at 9:41 a.m. EDT and docking on Thursday, Oct. 26, at 10:28 a.m. EDT. The cargo consists of propellants, oxygen, food, crew provisions and maintenance gear. Water will not be delivered this time. High-priority items include Elektron parts, research payloads and EVA equipment.
One of the station's four Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs) used to maintain the station's orientation in space was shut down last week after exceeding the allowed vibration limit. Engineers tested the problematic CMG Monday to gather performance data and conduct diagnostic checks. An initial review of the available data indicated no vibration events. Engineers continue analyzing the data to determine troubleshooting plans.
participants (1)
Arthur Rowe