LAUNCH COVERAGE ,NASA's Launch Blog - Mission STS-116

LAUNCH COVERAGE NASA's Launch Blog - Mission STS-116
TIMES ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME NASA's launch blog was activated on December 7, 2006 at 3:25 p.m. EST
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8:36 p.m. - With Discovery's crew safely strapped in and the vehicle poised for flight, the Closeout Crew is leaving the launch pad. Meanwhile, Discovery's onboard computer systems are being configured for the proper guidance parameters for tonight's launch time.
8:34 p.m. - The Closeout Crew has been given permission to leave the White Room, so they'll take the elevator down to the pad surface, then lock it into place at the ground level before making their way off the pad.
8:29 p.m. - The countdown has resumed. T-20 minutes and counting. The clock will hold once more at T-9 minutes. From now until the T-31 second mark, any of the launch supporters or operators can ask for a hold in the count.
8:27 p.m. - Weather has gone "green" in all areas -- meaning weather is favorable for a launch tonight. Clouds appear to be high enough and thinning out enough that they won't violate the ceiling rule.
8:24 p.m. - NASA Test Director Jeff Spaulding is conducting his T-20 briefing, advising the team of any instructions they need to know for the remainder of the countdown.
8:19 p.m. - T-20 minutes and holding. This is a 10-minute built-in hold. The principal payload managers have been polled, and all are ready to support launch tonight. The landing director will check on the landing site and the SRB recovery ships will be checked to make sure they are on site and ready to support launch as well.
8:17 p.m. - Commander Mike Polansky is pressurizing the gaseous nitrogen system for the Orbital Maneuvering System engines, while Pilot Bill Oefelein is activating the gaseous nitrogen supply for the Auxilliary Power Units.
8:06 p.m. - Our launch time for this evening has been recalculated, and the preferred launch time for this evening is 9:35:48 p.m. This time will be fine-tuned once again during the T-9 minute hold.
The weather at the transatlantic abort sites is still being evaluated. At least one site must be available in order to launch.
8:03 p.m. - At T-26 minutes, 32 seconds and counting, the Eastern Range has completed its closed loop test, which is the path of the destruct signal that could be required in the event of an emergency. All systems look good tonight, with no problems being reported
7:48 p.m. - At T-51 minutes and counting, the orbiter's hatch has been closed and latched for flight.
7:36 p.m. - Once Discovery's hatch is closed, the crew will begin checks to make sure the hatch is closed tightly.
After some discussion, the engineering team determined that the small piece of ice or frost discovered at the top of the external tank is not a danger.
"The configuration of that little, teeny piece of ice is not going to prohibit our launch tonight," said NASA Commentator Bruce Buckingham
7:30 p.m. - Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters just briefed Launch Director Mike Leinbach on the weather situation. The ceiling is in the "red" for launch, but that's the only weather violation at the moment.
*Did You Know?* On Flight Day 12, two microsatellites will be launched from Discovery's cargo bay. They'll measure the density and composition of the atmosphere in low Earth orbit.
participants (1)
Arthur Rowe