Hi all,
Wow! Awesome, wasn't it? I guess its now over, as Richard announced this was his last pass (1818 UTC, 23 Oct) before shutting down the radios to prepare for departure. I would like to express my thanks to all of those involved who helped Richard make this mission such a "radio-active" experience on both voice and SSTV. It was a blast!
Unfortunately, I had some issues with my computer recorder and did not get every pass after my last report (and nothing at all on 22 October). But here is a log of dates/times/callsigns for voice QSO's that I do have on file. If anyone needs an audio clip, please drop me a note at w4sv at arrl dot net . I will be glad to double-check any of my recordings if you think you made a contact but are not listed here (please give date and time, as close as possible). I have omitted the log of SSTV pics received this time... but there were many.
73, Stan W4SV Hanna, IN
17 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1231Z: WA4SCA (with Mike Fincke, NA1SS) 1232Z: ? IDI (with Mike Fincke, NA1SS)
1538Z: school QSO in progress at AOS 1541Z: K8DID Ron 1543: KD8CAO 1544Z: K9SM Scotty 1547Z: 13A
18 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1919Z: KC9ELU Mike southeastern Indiana 1921Z: KC8RAN Joe Cleveland 1923Z: WF1F Miles 1924Z: WK 1926Z: PSC, NA4PSC?
19 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1319Z:K5LBJ School QSO in progress 1324Z: W2ABG 1325Z: WB9L, WB8OTH Perry 1327Z: KA1DLK southwestern Vermont 1328Z: WY1U 1329Z: F (fox)
1632Z: K0KD Perry 1633Z: N7RYW Bill 1634Z: VE4AMU Winnipeg 1635Z: W9ORW Bob 1636Z: ?DID Green Bay fan, N0MUA Dave Kansas 1637Z: N8DZM Dan 1638Z: WF1F 1640Z: ?QRP
1808Z: VE5G?, VE5EI 1809Z: K6EL northern California 1810Z: VE5CEM Chuck, KC5TER 1811Z: N9TAX, NM3M 1812Z: KC5TER Eddie 1813Z: VE4AMU, KC9MLN 1814Z: Richard calls for WF1F 1815Z: KA1DLK, WF1F 1816Z: ?PCR, KA1SON Rick Massachussetts 1817Z: N2DY
2120Z: KL7MF 2121Z: KO9LR 2122Z: AA5PK 2123Z: WD4LHD, J7WAN Jeff 2124Z: KE5ZW, WA5KBH 2125Z: XE3ISS
20 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1211Z: W5DZ College Station, New Orleans, K(E)5RTL JoAnne Lafayette 1212Z: KI5T 1213Z: AK5V Bob Ft. Worth, N5ZNL Mississippi, NM42 1214Z: N8MH, VKS (VI4KS) Tennessee 1215Z: KI4ZKS 1216Z: N4ISS Al, WA3SWJ outside Washington 1217Z: N4ISS
21 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1725Z: VA7DG, VE3JJA Woody 1726Z: VE5GZ Gary 1733Z: NX1Z 1734Z: WF1F
1900Z: VE5SWL 1901Z: VE5CEM 1902Z: VE5MJ, W3XO Bill 1903Z: WD0EQP Gene Nebraska 1904Z: K9SM Scotty 1906Z: WA4NVM 1907Z: ?XT, N3TL 1908Z: N8DDK 1909Z: N5UXT New Orleans 1910Z: K5NDX
No recordings on 22 October 2008
23 October 2008 (times approximate but very close) 1507Z: VE5MJ, VE7MKF, KS7WY 1508Z: K7VK Vick, ?JAM 1509Z: KC5, WB9Z Illinois, KE0LX 1510Z: AB5XK, KC2FZD 1511Z: W8CO, N0MUA 1512Z: W2DPT, VE3TVV 1513Z: VA3HM VA3H? Brian VA3HAW 1514Z: KC2PCF, VE3DWI Tony 1515Z: N2MTH, VE1?
1642Z: W0TUP North Dakota 1643Z: VE4AHZ 1644Z: KC9NGZ, N0ORU 1645Z: VE4QZ, KD0FCY Rick, K9SM 1646Z: VE3DBP 1647Z: KD8JAM, K3LTM 1648Z: students at K3LTM 1649Z: W2ET?
1818Z: KG7P, k0T 1819Z: K0CQN, VA3P?, VA3ECO, VE3KHQ 1820Z: VE3KHQ (repeat), KA9ERV Indiana 1821Z: KC9NGZ Wisconsin 1822Z: KC9EIZ, K0RJS Ron 1823Z: N0UOE 1824Z: W4CMB 1825Z: KS4RX, W5KSI 1826Z: VE3IJD Gene, KN4F 1827Z: WA1QDP, N4WTF west central Florida
participants (1)
Stan Vandiver