Upcoming ARISS contact w/ Gymnasium Siegburg Alleestraße, Siegburg, Germany

An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Gymnasium Siegburg Alleestraße, Siegburg, Germany on 01 Sept. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 13:12 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between DP0ISS and DN6KW. The contact should be audible over Germany and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in German.
Our school is a whole-day (8 - 4 o'clock p.m.) high school and college (1,000 students, 100 staff) that prepares its students for the final examination after 8 years. Our school, situated close to the centre of Siegburg, sits in the middle of a park like campus.
We teach the languages traditionally taught in Germany, and alongside offer our students ABIBAC, a bi-lingual language curriculum, which opens the possibility of getting the French Baccalaureate, in addition to the German Abitur. These students acquire admission to not only German, but also to French universities.
Some subjects are also taught in English.
Both our world and our society and, thus, education, are subject to constant change.
Three important "pillars", however, are considered to be permanent and accordingly, make Gymnasium Siegburg Alleestraße a reliable partner:
- Educational and academic qualities and commitment to ethical values
- Integration of all groups and elements that constitute school life
- Focus on health and wellbeing of students and staff
In addition to our foreign language profile we encourage and support musically interested students in special classes in which it is obligatory for all members to play an instrument. Students may later opt for music as their major subject.
A very wide range of natural sciences completes our school profile.
For several years now our school has been in contact with the University of Bonn working on a project in space science and remote sensing, sponsored by DLR (German Aerospace Centre) and BMWi (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology). The project allows our junior and senior students to participate in an analysis of data as well as in a satellite surveying remote sensing with reference to scientific problems.
For this reason, our school community is very pleased and proud to have been selected for the live call in September with Dr. Alexander Gerst on the ISS in September.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Wie fühlt sich Schwerelosigkeit an? Können Sie das erklären?
2. Wie war Ihr erster Weltraumspaziergang?
3. Wann, glauben Sie, kann man zum Mars reisen?
4. Was macht Ihnen am meisten Spaß an Ihrer Mission?
5. Haben Sie, trotz Ihres Intensivtrainings, manchmal noch Bedenken, etwas
falsch zu machen?
6. Was tun Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?
7. Was haben Sie als persönlichen Gegenstand mitgenommen?
8. Was vermissen Sie am meisten von der Erde?
9. Was war das einflussreichste Forschungsergebnis, dass auf der ISS erzielt
10. Gibt es schon medizinische oder physikalische Fortschritte?
11. Haben Experimente bereits zu Ergebnissen geführt?
12. Wie umständlich sind Reparaturen außerhalb der ISS?
13. Was ist das größte Risiko, was während des Fluges passieren kann?
14. Gab es bereits einmal einen Not- oder Krankheitsfall?
15. Wie viel Strom verbraucht die ISS?
16. Kann es zu Stromausfällen auf der ISS kommen?
17. Wie weit ist die ISS automatisiert?
18. Wie viele Meter Kabel wurden in der ISS verbaut?
19. Wie schützt sich die Crew vor den kosmischen Strahlen?
20. Wie ist das Housekeeping auf der ISS organisiert?
English Translation:
1. Can you explain to us what weightlessness feels like?
2. What was your first space-walk like?
3. When, do you think, will man be able to travel to Mars?
4. What do you enjoy most during your mission?
5. Are you afraid of making mistakes - although you have practiced
6. What are you doing in your leisure time?
7. What personal item have you taken with you?
8. What of Earth do you miss most on ISS?
9. What was the most ground-breaking research result that was gained on the
10. Has there already been any medical or physical progress?
11. Have your experiments already led to any results?
12. How awkward is repair work outside the ISS?
13. What is the maximum risk that can pop up during a flight?
14. On ISS: Has there already been emergencies or cases of incidents?
15. How much electricity does the ISS consume?
16. Can power failures happen on the ISS?
17. To what degree is the ISS automatized?
18. How many meters of wire have been built in the ISS?
19. How do the crew protect themselves against cosmic radiation?
20. How have you distributed the household chores on the ISS?
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International Space Station (ARISS).
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Next planned event(s):
1. Mordovia Republic, Russia
Sat, 30Aug2014, 10:00 UTC, direct via TBD
No other details are available at this time.
2. Gymnasium Siegburg Alleestraße, Siegburg, Germany, direct via DN6KW
Mon, 01Sept2014, 13:12 UTC
Due to scheduling issues, this contact will not be streamed via Ham TV.
3. Evansville Day School, Evansville, IN, direct via TBD
Wed, 03Sept2014, 14:31 UTC
4. St. Petersburg, Russia
Fri, 05Sept2014, 10:00 UTC, direct via TBD
No other details are available at this time.
5. St. Joan of Arc School, Lisle, IL, direct via K9LEZ
Mon, 08Sept2014, 18:34 UTC
6. Lanier Middle School and Lanier Cluster Schools, Sugar Hill, GA,
direct via W4GR
Tue, 09Sept2014, 11:16 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
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participants (1)