Hello All,
UISS is PACKET/APRS software is special designed to operate via ISS or the PCSAT's. AGW Packet engine driver is requered! Nice feature's are the Smart Beacon and UISS Map view. You can download UISS 5.2 from the UISS designer Guy Roels ON6MU website, its also available on my website: http://iss.ontwikkel.nl Version info is to read below.
73's Cor PD0RKC
Version 5.2
Possible to use UTC time in Monitor-window instead of local time. APRS Setup: Maidenhead IARU locator (example: JO20AW) to latitude/longitude converter for easy APRS configuration (pastes the result into the latitude/longitude fields). APRS Location storage slots. AutoDetectUTC in menu Setup-> Extra -> allow UISS detecting UTC at start up Fixed strange behaviour when in the Monitor console TX-input fields were at their limit (backspace and last character typing etc.) Determine the Locale Aware Dates & its separators: convert date to display properly according to the regional settings. Monitor console statistics: detailed statistics of the contents of the monitor. Can be used with saved files too (re-written from scratch = additional info, more accuracy and huge speed increase)
RX-frames total heard total frames UI frames TX-frames DAMA frames times yourcall is digipeated digipeat efficiency Beacon stations Size Status of current UISS Session: TX methods used etc. Button for statistics in monitor console UISS Messenger: fixed call-sign reply bug when double clicking message in the Messenger UISS View Port: When using Edit View Port picture gave sometimes 'file not found' Choosing "User size..." in View Port options shows "Click inside the View Port and drag until you got the desired image size..." to assist user The Input Fields Editor (Edit TX-input fields) -> Double click in the Editor opens "Edit line" Editing TX input fields gave sometimes erratic results after editing/deleting: fixed Order of the length of the fields did not always match after deleting. Fixed. Scrollbar in the Length section covered the contents [ ] Header check box removed (View only Data, no headers), but still available in right-click options in Monitor and in Options-menu. Enabling "Freeze monitor" shows border around monitor window. Reset beacon interval when clicking on any of the TX-buttons to preserve beacon interval integrity (Example: 10 sec. beacon interval = stays 10 sec. interval even if you press any of the TX buttons. The next beacon transmission will be in 10 seconds after the last clicked TX button). This prevents unnecessary band clutter from immediate beacon's transmissions while user manually transmitted a packet a second ago. Tab's in the UISS-NoteBook documents did not work: fixed Open current Log in Options menu -> AutoLog Monitor Packets and right-click on AutoLog label Shadow Experiment mode: Shadow Experiment mode could not run when using Automated Beacon: fixed Use GMT/UTC time (the time offset that has been set in Setup-menu-> Extra ->UTC-options) instead of local time in Shadow Experiment beacon. Pause between transmissions implemented (default 60 seconds TX and 60 seconds RX pause). Monitor window also shows appropriate text when beacon is in pause. The pause interval can be changed in the Beacon menu. Shadow Experiment Mode now activated when beacon interval is set lower then 6 seconds (was 10 seconds in previous versions) Wizard for easy setup Beacon: Super easy time input with automatic format and fool-proof input of start- and stop times Show current PC time Extra Shadow experiment options Visual changes Prevention multiple clicks on TX-buttons (and so preventing unneeded TX clutter on the bands caused by accidental multiple mouse-clicks on one of TX-buttons). Prevented UISS from failing to detect AGWPE even if its running on rare occasions! Menu Find->Count words: found only one instance + did not reset next count words results: fixed Help-menu: Stations Heard via IGate -> help URL has now standard your own call to find your IGate logs on the web! Change/edit Help URLs (Stations heard on the web-menu) Overview of Free Registered Edition/ Pro-Edition features in Help-menu. Direct connect to UISS's PayPal website in About dialog and Help menu. In Edit->Copy: now possible to select copy plain- or rich text Improved error trapping and stability. Problem with UI-MapView focus and Disk Read options: fixed Extra functionality for UISS-modules (addon's). Installation program updated and enhanced with Clean Install, Update, Custom etc.. Optional: UI-MapView packed within the Installation program New UISS icon and logo's. TX Coherent colors slightly changed (for better difference). In Messenger: during refresh keep last selected message focused Cosmetic changes and further thorough debugging. Contact e-mail addresses updated. Some spelling faults corrected. Donation ware is now called Pro-Edition. Nigel G4DCQ-9 gave me a tip: allow UISS to validate digipeated calls also with different SSID's then setup with your call sign. Example: G4DCQ-1 = G4DCQ-9 = validated as digipeated. Optional Setup menu-> Extra -> exact (default), ignore SSID, specified SSID (enter number) APRS Setup: -> APRS Location storage slots -> 6 memory slots to store your APRS location settings (latitude/longitude). To allow users to recall (write/read) their latitude/longitude location stored in 6 memory slots (saved in MemLocxx.ini files). Shadow Experiment Wizard (Setup-menu) for super easy setting UISS into Shadow Experiment mode: freeware registered version And much more!
New in UISS-MapView 2.0
- Added coordinates formats: - Compressed Position Report Data Formats = compressed APRS UI-View locators! - Raw GPS Decoding Global Positioning System Sentences = NMEA-0183 GPS - Mic-E GPS compressed coordinates (used in Kenwood D700 & many others)! - Resize any map to any proportion! - Fit any map to your screen's resolution (full screen) - Bigger maps then your screen resolution are rescaled to fit your screen - Optional: Keep all maps in their original size - Remember last position on desktop - Quick map selector - Including 9 new Maps of every region of the World! (Note: some are from EI8IC http://www.qsl.net/ei8ic, but rescaled and converted to suit MapView) - Two user definable maps - Separate colors of the station labels to define fixed and mobile stations - Set separate colors for station's labels of fixed and mobile stations - font size labels - Optional Auto Run MapView when UISS starts - Minimize when MapView auto starts (Auto Run enabled) - Shows mouse pointer location real-time in decimal and degrees/minutes/seconds and IARU locator! - font list now sorted - Select picture format to save your map: JPG or BMP! - Compression/Quality of the saved JPG map can be chosen - Auto save map on exit - Separate folder for quick-save maps: \SavedMaps - 'Save As' button: save a map to any folder - Refresh and rescale Map button - Checking if more then 9 maps were stored a day, returned the counter to 1 -> fixed: allows now up to 999 maps per day (date) - shows in long/latitude in proper format in labels of the position of where the mouse pointer moves on the map - Determine the Locale Aware Dates & its separators: convert date to display properly according to the regional settings - 'Show UISS' button: brings up UISS (or back to MapView) - Adds UISS-MapView logo if screen is bigger then initial size - In ini-files: user can manually enable the focus of MapView - When selecting a heard station will shows the last packet of that station in the "Last Packet"-window instead of a message box (color changes too) - Message dialog when saving, copying - Sometimes a station disappeared from a map if data contained maidenhead characters: fixed - Increased accuracy - Default World map as external file DefaultWorldMap.jpg (can be changed if wanted, but with same name. Valid files are .jpg, .gif and .bmp) - Right-click mouse station displays options: copy, view data, bring station's label to front or back and view the station on the Web (Findu and QRZ.com) - New logo, about-box logo and icon + updated mail - Cosmetic changes - Internal optimised re-coding and re-structuring - Thorough debugging Met mijn beste groeten, Guy ON6MU
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