ARISS Event Monday @ 10:23 UTC

Please join us in listening to the ISS contact with participants at the
*Special** **John** **Glenn** **event,** **State** **Records** **Office** ** of** **Western** **Australia** **,Perth,** **Western** **Australia,** **Australia Mon** **2012-02-20** **10:23:01** **UTC** **via** **AH6NM*
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and AH6NM in Hawaii. The contact should be audible over the west coast of the U.S. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
On February 20, this year, WA will celebrate the 50th anniversary of a very significant event. On that day in 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in the *Friendship** **7* spacecraft. On this mission, Glenn flew over Perth and the people of Perth turned on their lights to acknowledge his mission. Glenn observed that the city was clearly visible from space and Perth became known worldwide as the ‘City of Light’. This early space exploration mission set the stage for the *Gemini* and * Apollo* programs which culminated in NASA landing men on the moon.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Glenn’s orbit, on Monday 20 February 2012 Perth will stage a public event at the Northbridge Piazza, featuring a live audio link to the International Space Station as it orbits the Earth.
The highlight of the event will be the recorded opening address by John Glenn and an opportunity for young people to speak with and ask questions of the astronauts on the International Space Station………
Audio from this contact will be fed into the:
EchoLink *AMSAT* (101377) and *JK1ZRW* (277208) servers
IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector
Audio on Echolink is generally transmitted around 20 minutes prior to the contact taking place so that you can hear some of the preparation that occurs. IRLP will begin just prior to the ground station call to the ISS.
Please note that on Echolink there are automatic breaks of 1.5 seconds in the audio transmission. These occur every 2.5 minutes during the event. Breaks on IRLP are manual and occur approximately after every third question.
** Contact times are approximate. If the ISS executes a reboost or other manoeuvre, the AOS (Acquisition Of Signal) time may alter by a few minutes **
John - AG9D
ARISS Audio Distribution

Thank you John
At 2012-02-18 07:55:54,John [email protected] wrote:
Please join us in listening to the ISS contact with participants at the
SpecialJohnGlennevent,StateRecordsOfficeofWesternAustralia,Perth,WesternAustralia,Australia Mon2012-02-2010:23:01UTCviaAH6NM
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and AH6NM in Hawaii. The contact should be audible over the west coast of the U.S. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
On February 20, this year, WA will celebrate the 50th anniversary of a very significant event. On that day in 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in the Friendship7 spacecraft. On this mission, Glenn flew over Perth and the people of Perth turned on their lights to acknowledge his mission. Glenn observed that the city was clearly visible from space and Perth became known worldwide as the ‘City of Light’. This early space exploration mission set the stage for the Gemini and Apollo programs which culminated in NASA landing men on the moon.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Glenn’s orbit, on Monday 20 February 2012 Perth will stage a public event at the Northbridge Piazza, featuring a live audio link to the International Space Station as it orbits the Earth.
The highlight of the event will be the recorded opening address by John Glenn and an opportunity for young people to speak with and ask questions of the astronauts on the International Space Station………
Audio from this contact will be fed into the:
EchoLink*AMSAT* (101377)and *JK1ZRW* (277208) servers
IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector
Audio on Echolinkis generally transmitted around 20minutes prior to the contact taking place so that you can hear some of the preparation that occurs.IRLP will begin just prior to the ground station call to the ISS.
Please note that on Echolinkthere are automatic breaks of 1.5 seconds in the audio transmission. These occur every 2.5 minutes during the event.Breaks on IRLP are manual and occur approximately after every third question.
** Contact times are approximate. If the ISS executes a reboostor other manoeuvre, the AOS (Acquisition Of Signal) time may alter by a few minutes **
John - AG9D
ARISS Audio Distribution
participants (2)