Upcoming ARISS contact with Media Locatelli-Oriani, Milano, Italy, and Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Bachelet", Cernusco sul naviglio, Italy

An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Scuola Media Locatelli-Oriani, Milano, Italy, and Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Bachelet", Cernusco sul naviglio, Italy on 05 Feb. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:37 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and W6SRJ. The contact should be audible over the west coast of the U.S. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
Presentation Scuola Media Locatelli-Oriani
The middle school Locatelli Oriani is located in the center of Milan, just a few steps from the planetarium. It's part of the comprehensive institute Pisacane and Poerio: two buildings with primary school and middle school. All the activities, both from educational and didactical point of view are primarily focused on well-being of students. The educational proposal, following the ministerial indication, has been enriched by educational trips, schools trips, sports days, concerts, music, theatre and dance as well as themed initiatives in science, languages and art. Among these there are KET and PET (in-depth courses about foreign languages), summer holidays abroad, participation to the math games held by Bocconi university and "Scatti di scienza" (photographs and movies competition about science made by students).
The school was involved also in Mission X 2012 and, together with Rai Scuola (the national TV), have been realized a documentary movie for the ministerial project "Salute".
There is the student council, two students per class elected by the others. They meet monthly to discuss and propose new ideas and initiatives on how to improve the school and develop solidarity, community spirit and recognition of human and civil rights. Since several years the council is taking care of children remote adoption, together with humanitarian organizations.
Presentation of Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Bachelet"
The school V. Bachelet is a natural continuation of the educational work begun in 1981 by some parents and teachers, founding the Elementary School "The Aurora", they were attempting to create a school in a cooperative solidarity-based education. Since 2006 the Institute Aurora-Bachelet is twinned with the Little Prince Primary School in Nairobi and since September 2012 is based in the brand new facility located in Via Buonarroti in Cernusco S/N.
The students from the third classes followed, over the last few years, an articulated astronomy course marked by significant moments: realization of a book to celebrate the 40th Moon landing anniversary, visit the astronomical observatory in Cernusco S/N, see the live event between Pope Benedict XVI and the ISS, meet ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, meet the professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi from Milan University, meet mr. Valerio Nassi and his hand-made space models and meet eng. Marco Molina (Selex ES) who introduced in several lessons the human space exploration and robotic space exploration (specially focused on Rosetta mission).
Preparing for the school contact with ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, eng. Marco Molina introduced to students all the details about her Futura mission and provided an autographed Samantha's potrait picture.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Sappiamo che nello spazio e' possibile coltivare piante, ma come si fa ad
innaffiarle ed a evitare che il terriccio si disperda fluttuando
2. L'organizzazione cosi' precisa della giornata sulla ISS per te e' un
vincolo o una necessita'?
3. La ISS grazie alla microgravita' ci sembra un ambiente senza barriere
architettoniche: lo spazio potrebbe essere una nuova frontiera anche per
i disabili?
4. Vedere sorgere il Sole cosi' tante volte in un giorno ha conseguenze sul
fisico e sulla psiche? Quali sono i maggiori cambiamenti a livello fisico
che avverti vivendo in microgravita'?
5. I computer utilizzati nello spazio sono diversi dai normali computer?
Quale sistema operativo utilizzano?
6. Come e' nata la tua passione per l'astronomia? Ci sono state persone o
eventi particolari che la hanno fatta scaturire?
7. In Italia hanno costruito per esempio il nodo 2 e 3. Ti senti come a casa
a girare tra componenti costruiti in Italia?
8. Come ti piace impiegare il tempo libero, se ne hai, sulla ISS?
9. Affronteresti un viaggio di andata e ritorno da Marte?
10 Quali persone e quali oggetti ti mancano di piu' vivendo sulla ISS?
Com'e' essere in orbita in compagnia di poche persone? Ci si sente
11. Abbiamo visto che hai sempre scritto e condiviso le tue esperienze gia'
prima del lancio e che continui a farlo: al tuo rientro pensi di scrivere
un libro?
12. Quali cose hai visto che non avresti mai immaginato sulla ISS, nonostante
la tua lunga preparazione?
13. Cosa riporterai a terra con te, sia in senso materiale che astratto?
14. Quali esperimenti ed attivita' stai svolgendo sulla ISS?
15. Qual e' la cosa che ti ha colpito di più della ISS?
16. Cosa e come si mangia nello spazio? Quali sono i tuoi cibi preferiti e
com'e' il loro sapore?
17. E' più faticoso effettuare tutte le attivita' in assenza degli effetti
del peso?
18. Hai assistito allo storico "accometaggio" di Rosetta, avvenuto qualche
giorno prima della tua partenza per la ISS? Se sì, che emozioni hai
19. Quando tornerai a Terra, in che modo e con quali percorsi ti riabituerai
alla forza di gravità?
20. Per te sarebbe possibile vivere nello spazio, non solo per gli astronauti
ma anche per le persone comuni come noi studenti?
21. Cosa hai provato dopo il lancio, quando ti sei resa conto di essere nello
22. Ci sono state difficolta' durante questi mesi di permanenza a bordo della
ISS? Se si', di che tipo?
1. We know that in space is possible to grow plants, but how do you put
water and how do you prevent topsoil from floating around?
2. Is, the precise schedule on the ISS, a constraint or a needs for you?
3. Thanks to microgravity, the ISS is a barrier-free environment: do you
think space could be considered the new frontier especially for people
with disabilities?
4. Looking at the Sun rising so many times a day is affecting in some way
your body and mind? Which are the most important body modification you
feel in microgravity?
5. Are the computer used in space different from what we use on earth? Which
operating system do they have?
6. How did you discover your passion for astronomy? Did you remember people
or events that helped to?
7. Node 2 and 3 have been built in Italy. Do you feel home moving inside
these modules?
8. How do you spend your free time, if you have it, on the ISS?
9. Would you take part in a trip to Mars and back?
10. Which people and things do you miss most while living on ISS? How is the
life in orbit with just a few people? Do you feel alone?
11. We see that you share your experience from the beginning and you still
do from there: do you plan to write a book at your return to Earth?
12. Despite your very long training, did you see things on the ISS that you
would never imagined?
13. What will you bring back to Earth both physically and mentally?
14. Which activities and experiments are you performing on the ISS?
15. What was the detail that impressed you most on the ISS?
16. How and what do you eat in space? Which are your favourite foods and
what is the flavour?
17. Is it more difficult doing activities without the effect of weight?
18. Did you see the historical landing of Rosetta on a comet? If yes, what
was yourfeeling?
19. Coming back to Earth, wow are you going to get back used again to weight
and gravity, coming back to Earth?
20. Do you think it would be possible living in space for normal people like
us as students?
21. What was your feeling after the launch, as soon as you realized of being
in space?
22. Did you have troubles on the ISS up to now? If yes, what?
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Next planned event(s):
1. W.T. Sampson (DoD school), Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,telebridge via IK1SLD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be IRØISS The scheduled astronaut is Samantha Cristoforetti IZØUDF Contact is a go for: Wed 11Feb2015, 15:58 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
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participants (1)