Upcoming ARISS contact with Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan

An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan on 18 Oct. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 08:33 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and 8N2SETO. The contact should be audible over Japan and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The language the contact is to be conducted in is still to be determined.
Seiryo elementary school is located at Seto city. Seto City is a ceramics center with 1300 years of history and tradition. Located at the center of the Chubu region twenty five kilometers northeast of Nagoya, blessed in its natural surroundings, Seto is nestled in the low mountains of the Owari Hills. The children are learning many knowledge of science and engineering through various experiments. Establishment is 1975. The number of all students at school is 667 people. There is no ham club.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Why did you become an astronaut?
2. What's your mission?
3. In space, are there any planets like our earth?
4. How do you sleep there?
5. What does the sun look like from there?
6. What's the most beautiful planet from there?
7. Can you see many shooting stars?
8. What did you do to become an astronaut?
9. Are the stars beautiful when you see them from space??
10. Can you play any sports in the space station?
11. What's your favorite space food?
12. How do you go to the bathroom?
13. What do you like to do there?
14. Where is your favorite place in the space station?
15. What does the earth look like from there?
16. Do you have four seasons there?
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at http://www.ariss.org/upcoming.htm#NextContact.
Next planned event(s):
1. Zespol Szkol Technicznych, Rybnicka 44, Poland, direct via SP9PKS
Fri, 21 OCT 2011, 16:38 UTC
2. Cherry Creek School District, Centennial, Colorado, telebridge via
Thu, 27 Oct 2011, 17:09 UTC
3. Space Laboratory, Herzliya Science Centre, Herzliya, 46100, Israel,
direct VIA 4X4HSC
Fri, 28 Oct 2011, 11:25 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/ (graciously hosted by the Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
participants (1)