Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2009-11-11 04:00 UTC

Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2009-11-11 04:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.
Scuola Istituto Salesiano “Sacro Cuore” Vomero, Napoli I-80129, Italy, direct via IZ8NHN Contact is a go for: Fri 2009-11-13 16:09:28 UTC 20 deg
Marie-Rivier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, telebridge via VK4KHZ Contact is a go for: Fri 2009-11-13 16:31:44 UTC 32 deg (***) Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Flanders Dist. of Creativity & Dept. of Ed. of the Flemish Govt., Leuven, Belgium, telebridge via LU8YY Contact is a go for: Tue 2009-11-17 13:44:11 UTC 62 deg Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 506. Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 29.
QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RS0ISS
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The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan) operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***). Also, please check MSNBC.com for possible live retransmissions (http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp). Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.80 MHz.
The crossband repeater has been active at times. The frequencies are uplink of 437.80 MHz and downlink of 145.80 MHz.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you are interested in supporting an ARISS contact, then you must fill in an application. The ARISS operations mentor team will not accept a direct request to support an ARISS contact; the application must first be sent to the ARISS region coordinator.
You should also note that many schools think that they can request a specific date and time. Once an application has been accepted the ARISS mentors will work with the school to determine a mutually agreeable date.
There are several ARISS web sites:
English: http://www.rac.ca/ariss/
French: http://c.avmdti.free.fr/ariss/index.htm
ARISS Europe: http://www.ariss-eu.org/
ARISS Japan: http://www.jarl.or.jp/ariss/
Your completely filled out application should be returned to the nearest coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not listed. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting an application.
Here are the email addresses: ARISS-Canada and all other countries not covered: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA) ARISS-Europe: [email protected] (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC) ARISS-Japan and all Region 3 countries: [email protected] (Keigo Komuro JA1KAB) ARISS-Russia: [email protected] (Valerie Agabekov N2WW/UA6HZ) ARISS-USA: [email protected] (The American Radio Relay League)
**************************************************************************** * QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s **************************************************************************** *
Other web sites that may be of interest include:
http://www.arrl.org/sarex http://www.arrl.org/ariss http://www.amsat.org http://ariss.gsfc.nasa.gov http://spacelink.nasa.gov/index.html http://ehb2.gsfc.nasa.gov/edcats/educator_guide/
Latest ARISS announcements and news http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
Successful school list http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/Successful_ARISS_schools.rtf
The ISS Fan Club website is: http://www.issfanclub.com
K1ELA has a website at: http://members.aol.com/k1ela/index.html
ON6SAT has a website at: http://on6sat.com/links/
IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca This new site will have the links for simulcast contacts that have IRLP and Echolink.
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
Friends and family of the Expedition 12 crew have put together a website: http://www.expedition12.com
A listing of ARISS related magazine articles: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ARISS_magazine_articles.rtf Currently the list includes articles from CQ, CQ VHF, QST, and The AMSAT Journal. Please contact me directly if you have additional suggestions.
Exp. 20 on orbit: Roman Romanenko Frank De Winne ON1DWN Robert Thirsk VA3CSA
Exp. 21 on orbit Maksim Surayev Jeffrey N. Williams KD5TVQ Nicole Stott KE5GJN
To let you in on how tough it is to schedule contacts, here are some of the constraints the ARISS mentors must work under: Each Increment is 26 weeks in length.
For any given expedition, we typically may not schedule: 1. Anything the first 3 weeks. 2. During EVA weeks 3. at least 2 weeks prior to the Increment change. 4. no contacts during meal and exercise periods. 5. no contacts during post-sleep and pre sleep (before 08:00 UTC and after 19:30 UTC) 6. contacts on the day of Progress docking or undocking are circumspect.
Mike Fincke KE5AIT and Gennady Padalka RN3DT produced a video during their stay on Expedition 9. You can get the QuickTime version (209MB) or the Windows Media version (152MB). These files are huge, so only a broadband connection is recommended. Thanks Mike and Gennady!
QuickTime: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9Tour.mov Windows Media: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9tourwmv.wmv
A discussion on Doppler correction and the ISS frequencies may be found at
http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ISS_frequencies_and_Doppler_correction .rtf
This file was updated 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
**************************************************************************** *** ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUDIO STREAMING THAT IS PROVIDED BY Verizon Business. 1. Go to designated homepage URL. 2. Click on Audioconferencing. 3. Click on Audio Streaming. 4. Click on Join. 5. Enter conference meeting number. 6. Enter passcode (case sensitive) and there are 11 letters max. 7. Enter name. 8. Enter email address. 9. Enter company, use ARISS or AMSAT if you want. 10. Enter title (optional). 11. Agree to agreement policy. 12. Click proceed. 13. Wait for contact to start. If you are there too early, then you will probably hear music. Contact streaming should start approximately 6 minutes before AOS.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE USE OF IRLP, ECHOLINK, and Webcast. IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca If using IRLP is more convenient for you than using EchoLink, please connect to the IRLP reflector 9010.
The Discovery 9010 Reflector also has streaming audio available. Once on the main page, select “audio library” on the left sidebar. The prompt to join the audio stream is posted at the top of this page.
More directly, you can go to http://www.discoveryreflector.ca:8000/listen.pls
The audio stream will be delayed.
Additional information on the IRLP Discovery Reflector requirements: The use of the Discovery Reflector requires that your audio player have ability to play a pls file. Confirm that your player has that file. You should also confirm that port 8080 is open to allow the audio stream.
Here is how to check Realplayer: 1. Open up Realplayer 2. Tools>Preferences>Content Media Types> click on Select located under the Manual button. You should see .pls as one of the accepted files
Here is how to check Winamp: 1. Open up Winamp 2. Options>preference>General preference>file types You should see pls as one of the accepted files
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
You can connect to the AMSAT Conference Room server at node 101377. Audio is also available at times on the JK1ZRW server at node 277208. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server. This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners.
For latest information on ISS - school contact audio feeds into EchoLink, please check the AMSAT calendar of events at:
Simulation contacts are terrestrial contacts that provide training for the astronauts on the use of the ARISS equipment before going on orbit.
Scuola Istituto Salesiano “Sacro Cuore” Vomero, Napoli I-80129, Italy, direct via IZ8NHN Contact is a go for: Fri 2009-11-13 16:09:28 UTC 20 deg
Proposed questions for Scuola Istituto Salesiano “Sacro Cuore” Vomero: 1. Can you see Italy from the Space Station? 2. What natural phenomena on Earth can you observe from Space? 3. What European experiments are you currently carrying out on the ISS? 4. Who pays for all the costs of the ISS project? 5. Are you carrying out experiments related to ecology? 6. Can you observe thunderstorms on Earth from the Space? 7. Is the life on board much different from what you did expect? 8. What do your family and your friends think about your job? 9. Do you communicate with amateur radio operators on Earth in your leisure time? 10. We know that you work very hard in space. What do you do to relax? 11. What kind of experiments do you perform in the medical field during your mission? 12. Is the perception of time on board the same as on Earth? 13. What's the speed of the ISS? 14. What would happen if a meteorite came into collision with the ISS? 15. What is the weight of a spacesuit? 16. How long does it take to complete one orbit around the Earth? 17. Which kind of energy do you use when you are in the shadow of the Earth? 18. What did astonish you most since you have been in Space? 19. How dangerous are space debris for the ISS? 20. Is it dangerous to pass through the atmosphere before landing? 21. Would it be possible to produce artificial gravity on the ISS? 22. Is it possible to get disoriented inside the ISS?
============================================================================ === Marie-Rivier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, telebridge via VK4KHZ Contact is a go for: Fri 2009-11-13 16:31:44 UTC 32 deg (***) Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Proposed questions for Marie-Rivier: 1. What is your fascination with space? 2. How did you become an astronaut? 3. What are your duties/functions on the space station? 4. Is it difficult working in weightless conditions? 5. Will the Space Station help us to travel further into space ? 6. Have you used the Canadarm? 7. How many astronauts can the space station support? 8. Have you ever done a space walk? 9. What happens to debris in orbit, does it float around forever? 10. Does a fear of heights affect an astronaut outside of the Space Station? 11. How is the direction and movement of the space station controlled? 12. What do you miss most about being up in space for so long? 13. How long can someone stay on the space station? 14. Did the trip to the Space Station scare you? 15. How cold or hot is it in space? 16. Can you see objects from the space station better than on earth? 17. Have you ever seen anything unusual from the space station? 18. What is your greatest fear while on the space station? 19. Was going into space a childhood dream? 20. Will you go back into space again?
1. Qu’es-cequivousfascinedansl’espace? 2. Comment êtes vous devenus un astronaute? 3. Quelles sont vos responsabilités abord de la station? 4. Est-ce difficile de travailler abord de la station Internationale? 5. Comment est-ce que la station internationale contribue à l’exploration de l’espace? 6. Avez vous déjà employé le bras robotique canadien? 7. Combien d’astronautes vivent abord de la station spatiale? 8. Avez vous faite une sortie dans l’espace? 9. Qu’est ce qui arrive aux débris qui flottent dans l’espace? 10.Est ce que la peur des hauteurs affecte un astronaute quand il est a l’ extérieur de la station? 11.Peut on contrôler la direction et le mouvement de la station? 12.Que manquez vous le plus pendant votre séjour dans l’espace? 13.Combien de temps peut- on vivre abord de la station internationale? 14.Avez vous eu peur pendant votre voyage vers la station internationale? 15.Quelle est la température à l’extérieur de la station, froid ou chaud? 16.Pouvez vous mieux voir des objets dans l’espace mieux à partir de la station internationale ou sur la terre? 17.Avez vous déjà aperçue quelque chose d’inhabituelle à l’extérieur de la station? 18.Qu elle est votre plus grande peur abord de la station internationale? 19.Est-ce que c’était votre rêve d’aller dans l’espace? 20.Allez vous retourner un jour dans l’espace?
============================================================================ === Flanders Dist. of Creativity & Dept. of Ed. of the Flemish Govt., Leuven, Belgium, telebridge via LU8YY Contact is a go for: Tue 2009-11-17 13:44:11 UTC 62 deg Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Proposed questions for Flanders Dist. of Creativity & Dept. of Ed. of the Flemish Govt.:
1. Hoe kom je aan zuurstof in de ruimte? How do you get oxygen in space? 2. Wat betekent eigenlijk ISS? What does ISS exactly mean? 3. Wat zijn je nieuwe verantwoordelijkheden en taken als Commander? How did your responsibilities and tasks changed when you became Commander? 4. Wilde je al astronaut worden als je nog maar 11 jaar was? Did you already want to become an astronaut when you were 11 year old? 5. Hoeveel kandidaten waren er om aan boord te gaan? How many candidates took the tests to be elected to go on board? 6. Hoe lang ben je reeds in de ruimte, in "ruimtetijd"? Tijd gaat toch sneller in de ruimte, niet? For how long have you been in space in “space time”? Time goes faster in space, isn’t it? 7. Wat eet je in de ruimte? What do you eat in space? 8. Is de aarde mooie vanuit de ruimte? Does the earth look nice from out of space? 9. Welke experimenten heb je reeds gedaan? Which kind of experiments did you do? 10. Kan je andere planeten zien? Zo ja, welke? Can you see other planets? If so, which ones? 11. Is de lancering werkelijk schrikwekkend? Is the launch of the rocket really that scary? 12. Wat mis je het meest? What do you miss most? 13. Is het verschil tussen gewichteloosheid in de ruimte en zwaartekracht op aarde moeilijk te verwerken? Is the transition between being weightless in space and walking on earth hard? 14. Wanneer is het nacht in de ruimte? Ik bedoel, in de ruimte is het altijd donker, maar wanneer ga je naar bed en welke tijdzone gebruik je? When is it night in space? I mean, in space it is always dark but when do you sleep and which timezone do you follow? 15. Is het niet heet als de zon door het ISS schijnt? Of heb je speciale gordijnen? Isn’t it hot when the sun shines through the ISS? Or do you have special curtains? 16. Wat moet men studeren om astronaut te worden? Is het heel moeilijk? Which studies do you have to do to become an astronaut? Isn’t it very hard to do? 17. Denk je dat er leven bestaat, elders in het heelal? Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? 18. Hoe blijf je fit? In de ruimte moet men zijn spieren oefenen omwille van de gewichteloosheid, niet waar? How do you stay in shape? Because in space you do not need to use your muscles if you are weightless, do you? 19. Wat doe je in je vrije tijd? What do you do when you’re not working? 20. Uit welke materie is een ruimtepak gemaakt? What is the material used to make your space suit?
============================================================================ === Institut Don Bosco, Bruxelles, Belgium, telebridge via TBD (***) TBD UTC (***)
Proposed questions for the Institut Don Bosco: 1: Est-ce difficile de s’habituer à l’impesanteur? Is it difficult to get used to zero gravity? 2: C’est la deuxième fois que vous partez à bord de Soyouz pourquoi pas à bord de la navette spatiale? This is the second time you travel aboard Soyuz why not on board the space shuttle? 3: Quel paysage est particulièrement beau vu de l’ISS? Which landscape is particularly beautiful seen from the ISS? 4: Voyez-vous la Lune et le Soleil comme vous les voyiez sur la Terre? Do you see the Moon and the Sun as when looking at them from Earth? 5: Que faites-vous durant votre temps libre? What do you do in your freetime? 6: Quel est votre module préféré dans l’ISS? Pourquoi? Which is your favourite module in the ISS? Why? 7: Avez-vous observé des météorites passant près de l’ISS? Have you ever seen meteorites from the ISS? 8: Quelle est la température minimum et maximum sur la surface intérieure et extérieure de la station, au soleil et à l’ombre? What are the minimum and maximum temperature inside and outside surface of the station, in the sun and in the shade? 9: Dans l’espace il n’y a pas d’atmosphère ni de couche d’ozone pour vous protéger. N’êtes vous pas soumis à trop de radiation dans l’ISS et durant les EVAs? In Space there is no atmosphere or ozone layer to protect you. Don’t you suffer from radiation in the ISS and during the EVAs? 10: Aimeriez-vous aller sur la Lune et sur Mars? Would you like to explore the Moon and later Mars? 11: A bord de l’ISS avez-vous la même notion du temps qu’ici sur la Terre? In the ISS do you have the same feeling of time as here on Earth? 12: Quand avez-vous décidé de devenir astronaute? When did you decide to become an astronaut? 13: Quelle est l’orbite la plus basse et la plus haute de l’ISS autour de la Terre? What is the lowest and highest critical orbit for the ISS above the earth? 14: Vous vous êtes entrainé pour des sorties extra-véhiculaires. Quand et pourquoi auriez-vous du sortir de la station? You trained for spacewalks [EVAs] . When and why should you have to go out? 15: Comment fabriquez-vous l’oxygène à bord de la station? How do you produce oxygen in the ISS? 16: Pourquoi les outils flottent dans l’espace quand ils sont perdus lors d ’une sortie extravéhiculaire? Pourquoi ne suivent-ils pas le mouvement de la station? Why the tools float away in space when they are lost during a spacewalk? 17: Un oiseau pourrait-il voler dans l’ISS? Could a bird fly in the ISS? 18: Quelle est la limite raisonnable d’une durée d’un séjour en impesanteur pour l’homme.Quels sont les dangers encourus en cas de durée excessive? What is the reasonable limit for a duration of a stay in weightless conditions for humans. What are the dangers in case of excessive length? 19: Qu’indiqueraient les aiguilles d’une boussole dans l’ISS et à l’ extérieur? What would indicate the needles of a compass in ISS and outside? 20: Vous êtes certainement heureux de revenir sur la Terre la semaine prochaine. Seriez-vous d’accord de repartir dans un mois? You are certainly happy to return to the Earth next week. Would you agree to set off again in a month?
============================================================================ === Bennett Venture Academy, Toledo, Ohio, direct via KB9UPS TBD UTC Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Proposed questions for Bennett Venture Academy: 1. What does Earth look like from outer space? 2. Is there anything special you took with you into space from home? 3. What are your space suits made of? 4. Does NASA use solar power, if they do, how do they use it? 5. Did you always want to be an astronaut when you were a kid? 6. Can you tell that the earth is spinning when you look at it? 7. What are some of the experiments you have done on the ISS? 8. With the shuttle accidents that have happened in the past, does it make you nervous to travel in space? 9. Do the stars look the same in space as they do from the earth? 10. If you had to choose to live in space with no gravity or down on earth with gravity, which would it be? 11. When you sleep, do you wake up upside down or do you have something to hold you down? 12. How long does it take to orbit completely around the earth? 13. Have you ever seen a black hole or an asteroid? 14. Besides Earth, what other planets can you see? 15. What is it like to live in space? 16. Do you recycle in space? 17. I read about an astronaut who dropped her tool bag in space and lost them. Did she get put on probation or fined? What do you do if you lose a tool and you don’t have another one? 18. Can you see storms on earth from up there? If so, did you see the tsunami or earthquake? 19. What kind of education did you need to become an astronaut? 20. How long would you be able to live on the ISS without getting more supplies? 21. What do you do for fun on the ISS? 22. What is the hardest part of being on the ISS? 23. Where do you get your water supply?
============================================================================ === Abramowski School (Zespol Szkol Technicznych i Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 3 w Katowicach) Katowice PL 40-645, Poland, direct via SN0ISS TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Abramowski School: 1. What is the temperature outside the space station? 2. How do you recognize the seasons? 3. What kind of entertainment do you have on the space station? 4. What do you do in your free time? 5. Do you listen to music? If yes, what kind of music do you listen to? 6. Does the sun look different out there in the Universe than from the Earth? 7. What was the most surprising and fascinating thing about your first space flight? 8. What do you eat during your expedition? 9. How do you prepare your meals? 10. How long does it take to walk through the whole ship in weightless condition? 11. How often do you get your food supply from the Earth? 12. How does it feel when you see the earth from the space station? 13. Can you see earth’s city lights in the night? 14. Does weightless condition have any side effects on your system? 15. How long did it take to get used to living in weightless condition? 16. How fast do you fly in space? 17. Why did you become an astronaut? 18. How did you start your career as an astronaut? 19. Where do you take air from at the station and for how long is it sufficient? 20. How long have you been there so far?
Katholieke Centrumscholen Sint-Truiden (KCST), Sint-Truiden, Belgium, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Proposed questions for Katholieke Centrumscholen Sint-Truiden (KCST): 1. Hoe bent u geïnteresseerd geraakt in ruimtevaart? 2. Wat vond u het tofste aan de voorbereiding op deze missie? 3. Wat was uw eerste reactie toen u voor het eerst in het ISS kwam? 4. Zijn er verschillen met de vorige keer dat u in de ruimte was? (bv. het uitzicht op aarde.) 5. Hebt u tijdens deze missie ooit schrik gehad? 6. Binnen het ISS vormen de ruimtevaarders een kleine gemeenschap. Hoe komt uw militaire vorming u, als gezagvoerder, van pas om deze groep te leiden? 7. Kan u al wetenschappelijke resultaten van uw missie bekendmaken? 8. Kunt u het uitzicht beschrijven vanuit het ISS? 9. Is het broeikaseffect zichtbaar vanuit de ruimte? 10. Kan u vanuit het ISS orkanen zien? 11. Men spreekt hier wel eens over rondvliegend ruimteschroot…..Merkt u daar iets van? 12. Hoe wordt het ISS beschermd tegen schadelijke straling? 13. Hoe lang duurt het om 1x rond de aarde te draaien? 14. Hoe lang kan u een ruimtewandeling maken? 15. Wat doet u als u vrije tijd hebt? 16. Welk effect heeft een verblijf in de ruimte op het lichaam? Had u na de eerste missie gezondheidsklachten? 17. Wat gebeurt er wanneer iemand aan boord echt ziek wordt? 18. Wat is het eerste wat u gaat doen als u terugkomt op aarde (na de verplichtingen) 19. Moet u als u terugkomt wennen aan zonlicht en zwaartekracht? 20. Wat zal u het meest missen van het ISS?
1. How did you get interested in space travel? 2. What did you like most when you were preparing for this mission? 3. What was your first impression when you first entered the ISS? 4. In what way does this journey differ from your first stay in space? (e.g. the view on our planet) 5. Have you experienced any fear during this mission? 6. Within the ISS the astronauts form a small community. How does your military training help you, as ISS commander, when leading this group? 7. Can you already share some scientific results of your mission with us? 8. Can you describe the view you see from the ISS? 9. Is the greenhouse effect visible from up there? 10. Can u see hurricanes from up there? 11. We hear reports about scrap metal flying about in space. Have you noticed this? 12. How is ISS protected from detrimental radiation? 13. How long does it take to orbit the earth once? 14. How long can you go for a walk in space? 15. How do you spend your spare time up there? 16. What effect does a space journey have on the human body? Did you suffer any health problems after your first mission? 17. What happens when someone on board suffers from a serious illness? 18. What will be the first thing you do after you’ve returned to earth (and after you have fulfilled your obligations)? 19. Will you have to get used to sunlight and gravity after your return? 20. What will you miss most about ISS?
Dumbleyung Primary School, Dumbleyung, Western Australia, Australia, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Dumbleyung Primary School: 1. Describe what it is like with no gravity. 2. Why are you in space? What are you looking for? 3. About how long do you think your trip to space and back will take? 4. How do you fix the space craft in space if it gets damaged? 5. Have you ever visited any planets in space and are there any special features you discovered? 6. Where would you rather be, up in space or here on Earth and why? 7. Have you ever sent up any sort of animal with you to space? 8. What do you eat and how do you eat it? 9. What does it feel like when you take off? 10. How fast does the space ship travel in space? 11. Did you want to be part of the NASA program when you were a kid? 12. Have you seen any meteorites during your travels through space? 13. Can you see any planets clearly from where you are? 14. Can you see any space junk right now? 15. Can you hear any noise in space? 16. What caused the big bang? 17. What is your favourite part of living in space? 18. Can you see all the weather changes that occur on Earth? 19. Can you see volcanoes erupting from space? 20. Do you believe there is life beyond Earth? 21. If you cut your skin, how does your blood flow?
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Jessup Elementary, Houston, Texas, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
============================================================================ === Midvalley Elementary, Midvale, Utah, direct via W7SP TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Direzione Didattica 2°Circolo De Gasperi, Noicattaro, I-70016, direct via IZ7EVR TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Direzione Didattica 2°Circolo De Gasperi: (***) 1. Which experiments are you carrying out during your mission? 2. Is it always dark in Space or do you have the alternation of day and night? 3. Do you see other planets from the ISS? 4. How does the coupling between the Soyuz and the ISS work? 5. Who is the pilot of the ISS? 6. Are your meals onboard the ISS similar to those on Earth? 7. Why do you wear the space suit outside the ISS? 8. Why is the ISS composed of many modules? 9. Where do you deposit your waste on the ISS? 10. At what time are the daily rest periods of the astronauts? 11. What does your daily working plan look like? 12. Is your cardiac rhythm in Space the same as on Earth? 13. How do you communicate with your relatives? 14. Why have you always to do physical training? 15. What is the actual size of the ISS? 16. What temperature is inside the ISS? 17. How do you produce the electric energy on the ISS? 18. Is it possible for a pet to live onboard the ISS? 19. Is it possible to use a mobile phone on the ISS? 20. How do you wash yourself? 21. Can the ISS avoid any impact with meteorites? 22. What are the steps to become an astronaut? 23. How long does the training before the mission to the ISS last?
============================================================================ === Istituto Comprensivo di Govone –Scuola Secondaria di primo grado “Nino Costa” di Priocca, Priocca, Cuneo, Italy, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Humanity Primary & Junior High School, Tou-cheng town, Taiwan, R.O.C., direct via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Minato Junior High School, Hachinohe, Aomori, Japan, direct via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Morioka Children’s Museum of Science, Morioka, Iwate, Japan, direct via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Riley Ave. School, Calverton, New York, direct via W2AMC TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Walnut Creek Elementary School, Azle, Texas, direct via WC5C TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Doncaster Primary School, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC Watch for possible Echolink and IRLP coverage.
Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of 60 schools that we hope will be able to have a contact during 2009. As the schedule becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week.
73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS operation team mentors
participants (1)