AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Election Ballots in the Mail

Ballots have been mailed to AMSAT-NA members in good standing, and must be received at the AMSAT-NA office by 15 SEP 2015 in order to be counted. Those sent outside North America were sent by air mail. If you have not received your ballot package in a reasonable time for your QTH, please contact the AMSAT-NA office. Your completed ballot should be returned as promptly as possible, and those from outside North American preferably by air mail or other expedited means.
This year there are eight Board candidates:
Barry Baines, WD4ASW Jerry Buxton, N0JY Steve Coy, K8UD Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA Mark Hammond, N8MH EMike McCardel, KC8YLD Bob McGwier, N4HY Bruce Paige, KK5DO
The four candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be seated as voting Board Members with two year terms. The two candidates receiving the next highest number of votes will serve as non-voting Alternate Board Members with terms of one year. Please vote for no more than four candidates.
Election of Board members is both a responsibility as well as an opportunity by our membership to help shape the future direction of AMSAT-NA. Please take the time to review the candidate statements that accompany the ballot and determine who you wish to see on the Board.
Alan WA4SCA AMSAT-NA Corporate Secretary
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