Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2011-04-19 03:30 UTC

Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2011-04-19 03:30 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Toyota Children’s Scientific Expedition, Toyota, Aichi, Japan, direct via 8N2T Contact was successful: Mon 2011-04-18 10:05:45 UTC 45 deg (***)
Primary School “Dante Alighieri” De Neuquen, Neuquen – Patagonia, Argentina, direct via LU8YY Contact was successful: Mon 2011-04-18 12:25:04 UTC 81 deg (***)
Istituto Comprensivo Dedalo 2000 – Scuola secondaria di Cingia de’ Botti (CR), Solarolo Rainerio, Italy, telebridge via W6SRJ Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-04-23 09:13:47 UTC 53 deg
Escola EBI/JI de Montenegro, Faro, Portugal, telebridge via LU8YY (***) Contact is a go for: Wed 2011-04-27 15:01:52 UTC 32 deg (***)
Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli, Italy, telebridge via LU1CGB (***) Contact is a go for: Thu 2011-04-28 07:04:16 UTC 45 deg via (***)
Ecole Primaire de Larochette (Fiels), Larochette (Fiels), Luxembourg, telebridge via WH6PN (***) Contact is a go for: Fri 2011-04-29 10:12:19 UTC 88 deg (***)
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 620. (***)
Year Direct % Telebridge % Direct/ % Direct/ Total Direct Telebridge Telebridge Telebridge 2000 1 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2001 25 59.52 17 40.48 0 0.00 42 2002 24 60.00 16 40.00 0 0.00 40 2003 29 74.36 10 25.64 0 0.00 39 2004 25 71.43 10 28.57 0 0.00 35 2005 37 67.27 18 32.73 0 0.00 55 2006 31 65.96 16 34.04 0 0.00 47 2007 51 68.00 24 32.00 0 0.00 75 2008 33 53.23 29 46.77 0 0.00 62 2009 57 47.11 62 51.24 2 1.65 121 2010 31 64.58 16 33.33 1 2.08 48 2011 40 72.73 15 27.27 0 0.00 55
Grand 384 61.94 233 37.58 3 0.48 620 Total
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 40.
Please feel free to contact me if more detailed statistics are needed.
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QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s
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The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan) operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***). Also, please check MSNBC.com for possible live retransmissions (http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp). Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.8Ø MHz.
The crossband repeater has been active at times. The frequencies are uplink of 437.8Ø MHz and downlink of 145.8Ø MHz.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you are interested in supporting an ARISS contact, then you must fill in an application. The ARISS operations mentor team will not accept a direct request to support an ARISS contact; the application must first be sent to the ARISS region coordinator.
You should also note that many schools think that they can request a specific date and time. Once an application has been accepted the ARISS mentors will work with the school to determine a mutually agreeable date.
There are several ARISS web sites:
English: http://www.rac.ca/ariss/
French: http://c.avmdti.free.fr/ariss/index.htm
ARISS Europe: http://www.ariss-eu.org/
ARISS Japan: http://www.jarl.or.jp/ariss/
Your completely filled out application should be returned to the nearest coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not listed. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting an application.
Here are the email addresses: ARISS-Canada and all other countries not covered: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA) ARISS-Europe: [email protected] (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC) ARISS-Japan and all Region 3 countries: [email protected] (Keigo Komuro JA1KAB) ARISS-Russia: [email protected] (Valerie Agabekov N2WW/UA6HZ) ARISS-USA: [email protected] (The American Radio Relay League)
**************************************************************************** * QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s **************************************************************************** *
Other web sites that may be of interest include:
http://www.arrl.org/sarex http://www.arrl.org/ariss http://www.amsat.org http://ariss.gsfc.nasa.gov http://spacelink.nasa.gov/index.html http://ehb2.gsfc.nasa.gov/edcats/educator_guide/
Latest ARISS announcements and news http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
Successful school list http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/Successful_ARISS_schools.rtf
The ISS Fan Club website is: http://www.issfanclub.com
K1ELA has a website at: http://members.aol.com/k1ela/index.html
ON6SAT has a website at: http://on6sat.com/links/
IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca This new site will have the links for simulcast contacts that have IRLP and Echolink.
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
Friends and family of the Expedition 12 crew have put together a website: http://www.expedition12.com
A listing of ARISS related magazine articles: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ARISS_magazine_articles.rtf Currently the list includes articles from CQ, CQ VHF, QST, and The AMSAT Journal. Please contact me directly if you have additional suggestions.
Exp. 26 on orbit Dmitry Kondratyev Catherine G. Coleman KC5ZTH Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA
Exp. 27 on orbit Andrey Borisenko Aleksandr Samokutyayev Ronald J. Garan KF5GPO
To let you in on how tough it is to schedule contacts, here are some of the constraints the ARISS mentors must work under: Each Increment is 26 weeks in length.
For any given expedition, we typically may not schedule: 1. Anything the first 3 weeks. 2. During EVA weeks 3. at least 2 weeks prior to the Increment change. 4. no contacts during meal and exercise periods. 5. no contacts during post-sleep and pre sleep (before Ø8:ØØ UTC and after 19:3Ø UTC) 6. contacts on the day of Progress docking or undocking are circumspect.
Mike Fincke KE5AIT and Gennady Padalka RN3DT produced a video during their stay on Expedition 9. You can get the QuickTime version (209MB) or the Windows Media version (152MB). These files are huge, so only a broadband connection is recommended. Thanks Mike and Gennady!
QuickTime: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9Tour.mov Windows Media: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9tourwmv.wmv
Doug Wheelock KF5BOC produced a YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h73EYcyszf8
A discussion on Doppler correction and the ISS frequencies may be found at
http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ISS_frequencies_and_Doppler_correction .rtf
This file was updated 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
**************************************************************************** *** ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUDIO STREAMING THAT IS PROVIDED BY Verizon Business. 1. Go to designated homepage URL. 2. Click on Audioconferencing. 3. Click on Audio Streaming. 4. Click on Join. 5. Enter conference meeting number. 6. Enter passcode (case sensitive) and there are 11 letters max. 7. Enter name. 8. Enter email address. 9. Enter company, use ARISS or AMSAT if you want. 10. Enter title (optional). 11. Agree to agreement policy. 12. Click proceed. 13. Wait for contact to start. If you are there too early, then you will probably hear music. Contact streaming should start approximately 6 minutes before AOS.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE USE OF IRLP, ECHOLINK, and Webcast. IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca If using IRLP is more convenient for you than using EchoLink, please connect to the IRLP reflector 9Ø1Ø.
The Discovery 9Ø1Ø Reflector also has streaming audio available. Once on the main page, select “audio library” on the left sidebar. The prompt to join the audio stream is posted at the top of this page.
More directly, you can go to http://www.discoveryreflector.ca:8%C3%98%C3%98%C3%98/listen.pls
The audio stream will be delayed.
Additional information on the IRLP Discovery Reflector requirements: The use of the Discovery Reflector requires that your audio player have ability to play a pls file. Confirm that your player has that file. You should also confirm that port 8Ø8Ø is open to allow the audio stream.
Here is how to check Realplayer: 1. Open up Realplayer 2. Tools>Preferences>Content Media Types> click on Select located under the Manual button. You should see .pls as one of the accepted files
Here is how to check Winamp: 1. Open up Winamp 2. Options>preference>General preference>file types You should see pls as one of the accepted files
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
You can connect to the AMSAT Conference Room server at node 1Ø1377. Audio is also available at times on the JK1ZRW server at node 2772Ø8. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server. This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners.
For latest information on ISS - school contact audio feeds into EchoLink, please check the AMSAT calendar of events at:
Simulation contacts are terrestrial contacts that provide training for the astronauts on the use of the ARISS equipment before going on orbit.
Toyota Children’s Scientific Expedition, Toyota, Aichi, Japan, direct via 8N2T Contact was successful: Mon 2011-04-18 10:05:45 UTC 45 deg (***) Congratulations Toyota Children’s Scientific Expedition and Catherine! (***)
Proposed questions for Toyota Children’s Scientific Expedition: 1. Can you play tennis in space? 2. Can you see the eye of a hurricane from space? 3. When do you miss Earth the most? 4. What do the planets and Earth look like from the space station? 5. What do you do on your days off in space? 6. Why did you want to become an astronaut? 7. What do you do if you get hurt or catch a cold? 8. Can you see falling stars from space? 9. Can you bring dogs or cats into space? 10. What do the astronauts do on the space station? 11. Can you see rainbows from space? 12. What do tall mountains look like from space? 13. Do you ever have disagreements with other astronauts? 14. What is your favorite food on the space station? 15. How do you drink in space? 16. What do you do when you need to change clothes in space? 17. Why did you want to go into space? 18. Have you met any aliens? 19. Can you send letters from space to Earth? 20. What color is the sky in space?
============================================================================ === Primary School “Dante Alighieri” De Neuquen, Neuquen – Patagonia, Argentina, direct via LU8YY Contact was successful: Mon 2011-04-18 12:25:04 UTC 81 deg (***) Congratulations “Dante Alighieri” and Paolo! (***)
Proposed questions for Primary School “Dante Alighieri” De Neuquen: 1. Ciao, come va lassù? non hai nostalgia della nostra terra? 2. Ti piace quello che mangi e bevi nello spazio? 3. Come fai per mantenere l’igiene personale? 4. Riesci a vedere le catastrofi naturali, come quella del Giappone? 5. Avete affrontato situazioni di emergenza? 6. Dallo spazio si può osservare la riduzione dello strato di ozono? 7. Che succede se durante una camminata spaziale, l’astronauta si sgancia dell’astronave? 8. Perché non provate a raggiungere nuovamente la luna? 9. La mancanza di gravità causa problemi al tuo organismo? 10. Dalla Terra, come possiamo trovare la ISS nel buio? 11. Nella navicella c’è un sopra e un sotto? 12. Dal finestrino si vedono i continenti? e l’Italia e l’Argentina? 13. Che tipo di studi state realizzando in questo momento? 14. Ci sono dei pericoli esterni per l’astronave? 15. Per caso non ti sei imbattuto in qualche extraterrestre? 16. È vero che quando un astronauta ritorna sulla Terra la sua altezza aumenta? 17. Come si guida l’astronave? 18. Nello spazio fa freddo o caldo? 19. Dalla ISS puoi vedere il lato oscuro della Luna? 20. Che fai a divertirti? 21. Come fai a dormire? 22. Dalla nave si vede il sole? 23. Come si fa a fare il pieno della ISS? 24. Come fai a bere acqua? 25. Chi sono i tuoi compagni?
1. Hello. How are you? Don’t you have nostalgia for the Earth? 2. Do you like what you eat and drink in space? 3. How do you do to maintain personal hygiene? 4. Can you see natural disasters as has happened in Japan? 5. Have tackled an emergency situation? 6. From space can you see the reduction of the ozone layer? 7. What happens if during a spacewalk, the astronaut is detached from the ship? 8. Why haven´t you tried to get back to the Moon? 9. The lack of gravity causes problems to your body? 10. From Earth, how can we find the ISS in the dark? 11. In the spaceship… are up and down? 12. Can you see the continents? and Italy and Argentina? 13. What kind of studies or researches are conducted at this time? 14. Are there external dangers to the spaceship? 15. By chance, have you met an alien? 16. Is it true that when an astronaut return to Earth his height increases? 17. How can you drive the ISS? 18. In the space is hot or cold? 19. Can you see the dark side of the Moon? 20. What do you do for fun? 21. How do you sleep? 22. From the ISS, can you see the sun? 23. How do you fill the tank? 24. How do you drink water? 25. Who are your partners?
============================================================================ === Istituto Comprensivo Dedalo 2000 – Scuola secondaria di Cingia de’ Botti (CR), Solarolo Rainerio, Italy, telebridge via W6SRJ Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-04-23 09:13:47 UTC 53 deg
Proposed questions for Istituto Comprensivo Dedalo 2000 – Scuola secondaria di Cingia de’ Botti (CR):
1. Come ti è venuta l'ispirazione per fare l'astronauta? 2. Da quanti anni fai l'astronauta? 3. Quanto tempo di preparazione c'è voluto prima di andare sulla ISS? 4. Che sensazione hai provato quando la Soyuz è partita? 5. Che sensazione hai provato quando ti è stato aperto il portellone per entrare nella ISS? 6. Come si svolge la tua giornata nello spazio? 7. Come viene scandito l’alternarsi del giorno e della notte? 8. Perché ti piace fare l'astronauta? 9. Ti mancano la famiglia e le persone che ti erano vicine sulla terra? 10. Hai pensato di rimanere più tempo del previsto sulla ISS? 11. Come ti senti quanto vedi tutta l’immensità dello spazio intorno a te? 12. Qual è l’area dei pannelli solari che alimentano la Stazione Spaziale e quanta energia riescono a produrre? 13. E' dura la vita sulla ISS? 14. È possibile tornare sulla terra prima della fine della missione? 15. Nel tuo tempo libero sulla ISS cosa fai? 16. Che effetto fa guardare la Terra dallo spazio? 17. Hai mai visto dalla ISS dei fenomeni inspiegabili? 18. Pensi che siamo soli nell’universo? 19. Una volta tornato, se ti si ripresentasse la possibilità, ripartiresti per lo spazio? 20. Potendo scegliere saresti andato alla scoperta di un nuovo pianeta o sulla ISS?
1. Why did you decide to become an astronaut? 2. How long have you been an astronaut? 3. How long have you worked to prepare yourselves to live on ISS? 4. What did you feel when the Soyuz take off? 5. What did you feel when you opened the door and entered in the ISS? 6. What's your daily routine? 7. How do you know when it is morning and when it is night? 8. Why do you like doing the astronaut? 9. Do you miss your family and your friends? 10. Have you thought of remain more time than planned on the ISS 11. How do you feel when you see the whole space around you? 12. What is the area of solar panels which power the Space Station and how much energy they can produce? 13. Is it difficult to live on ISS? 14. Is possible to come back before the end of the mission? 15. What do you do in your free time? 16. What do you feel when you look at the Earth from the ISS? 17. Have you ever seen some unexplainable phenomena from the ISS? 18. Do you think that we are alone in the universe? 19. When you come back, if you had the opportunity would you go again in the space? 20. If you could chose, would you go to discovering a new planets or on the ISS?
============================================================================ === Escola EBI/JI de Montenegro, Faro, Portugal, telebridge via LU8YY (***) Contact is a go for: Wed 2011-04-27 15:01:52 UTC 32 deg (***)
Proposed questions for Escola EBI/JI de Montenegro:
1. Is it true that during the time of your missions at space, you grow less old than the same time spent on Earth? 2. What was your worst experience as an astronaut? 3. Does the spaceship have the equipment to catch all the radiowaves brodcasted from Earth? How? 4. What is your daily routine? 5. What is the most difficult technical equipment to use in the ISS? 6. How do you take a shower in the ISS? 7. What do you eat on space? 8. What is the difference between living in normal gravity conditions and without gravity? 9. Which are the essencial skills and training to become an astronaut? 10. I would like to ask you what is the sensation outside the spaceship? 11. What type of damage can a meteor shower cause to earth-orbiting spacecraft like the ISS? How can you prevent that? 12. What are the side effects of gravity on your metabolism? What do you feel different? 13. Are you scared when you fly? Are you thinking about the danger involved? 14. How is the sensation of seeing our planet from the space? What is it like? 15. What are ISS perspectives for the future? 16. Do you think there is any change to men to land on Mars in the next ten years? 17. What did you feel when you first entered the ISS? 18. How important is your task for humankind? 19. How do you feel in the first ten seconds of the flight? 20. What do you miss most about Earth when you are in the ISS?
============================================================================ === Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli, Italy, telebridge via LU1CGB (***) Contact is a go for: Thu 2011-04-28 07:04:16 UTC 45 deg via (***)
Proposed questions for the Italian Air Force Academy: 1. Quale è stata la preparazione fisica che ha dovuto sostenere per diventare astronauta? 2. In quali patologie può incorrere a causa della permanenza nello spazio? 3. Quanto hanno influito i suoi studi nella sua carriera da astronauta? 4. Se potesse tornare indietro modificherebbe il suo iter formativo? 5. Quale è il futuro della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale senza l'ausilio dello Space Shuttle? 6. Gira voce di una "strana presenza" sulla ISS: ROBONAUT. Di che si tratta e come si interfaccia l'equipaggio? 7. Cosa consiglierebbe a chi volesse intraprendere la carriera d'astronauta? 8. Quali sono le esperienze lavorative e bagaglio tecnico più adatti per diventare un astronauta? 9. Il primo uomo nello spazio fu Yuri Gagarin, che esclamò :"Vedo la Terra! È così bella!" Mi domando che cosa prova quando vede la Terra dallo spazio. Quali sono le sue emozioni quotidiane? Sono differenti da quelle che prova al suo arrivo? 10. Dei numerosi esperimenti che ha condotto finora ce n'è stato qualcuno in particolare che ha dato risultati inaspettati (in senso negativo o positivo)? 11. È possibile sapere in cosa consiste l'esperimento "MATRIOSKA"? 12. Qual è stato l'esperimento da voi portato a termine, durante questa missione, che avrà, a vostro parere, il maggiore impatto sulla nostra vita (in termini di tecnologia, medicina, fisica)? 13. Proiettando la crescita dello sviluppo tecnologico attuale sul prossimo secolo, quali pensate potranno essere le nuove conquiste dell'umanità nel campo spaziale? 14. Quale è stata la fase più critica dall'inizio della missione? 15. Come si trascorre il "tempo libero"? 16. Che tipo di addestramento (fisico/psicologico) è stato seguito? 17. Quando pensate che il turismo spaziale sarà alla portata di tutti? 18. C'è un evento in particolare che vi ha convinti a diventare astronauti?
1. How did you physically trained to became an astronaut? 2. What diseases may you catch during your stay in space? 3. How much did your studies affected your career? 4. If you could come back in time, would you change your course of study? 5. What is the future of the ISS without the support of Space Shuttle? 6. I've heard something about a "strange presence" on Soyuz spaceship: ROBONAUT. What is it and how do the crew interact with this robot? 7. Which suggestions do you want to give to somebody who want to become an astronaut? 8. Which is the most suitable kind of work experience and technical background for an astronaut? 9. The first man in the space was Yuri Gagarin, who exclaimed : "I see the Earth! It is so beautiful!". I wonder what you feel when you see the Earth from the space. What are your daily emotions? Are they different from the ones you felt on your arrival? 10. Among the several experiments you conducted was there anyone in particular that gave unexpected results? 11. Is it possible to know what does the "MATRIOSKA" experiment concern? 12. Which was, according to you, between the experiments finalized in this mission, the one that will have the highest impact on our life (in terms of technology, medicine, physics)? 13. By projecting the nowadays technological trend towards next century, what do you think new discoveries of humanity in space will be? 14. According to you, which has been the most critical part of the whole mission? 15. How do you spend your "spare time"? 16. What kind of physical/psychological training did you follow? 17. When do you think that space tourism will be a widespread activity? 18. Do you remember a particular event that made you say: 'I will be an astronaut?'
============================================================================ === Ecole Primaire de Larochette (Fiels), Larochette (Fiels), Luxembourg, telebridge via WH6PN (***) Contact is a go for: Fri 2011-04-29 10:12:19 UTC 88 deg (***)
Proposed questions for Ecole Primaire de Larochette (Fiels): 1. Did you take something special (personal) with you on your journey to the ISS? 2. Have you ever been afraid during your journey from earth to the ISS?What was the most exciting moment of this journey? 3. Do you have regular contact with your family and your friends? 4. How long did you study to become an astronaut? 5. What is life like with other astronauts in a confined space? 6. What kind of food do you have on the ISS?Does it taste differently in microgravity? 7. Can you get sick while you are onboard of the ISS?What is the worst that ever happened to you? 8. What do you particularly like on the ISS? 9. How does it feel to orbit the earth with 28 000 kilometers per hour? 10. What kind of research are you doing on the ISS? 11. Why did you want to become an astronaut? 12. How do astronauts wash themselves? 13. What is the effect of weightlessness on growing plants? 14. You are orbiting earth in 90 minutes. Is there also day and night in 90 minutes? 15. How do you regulate your time feeling of day and night?Can you specify your schedule? 16. Can you see more shooting stars from the ISS than from earth? 17. How many planets do you see from the ISS? 18. What is the shape of the stars? 19. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? 20. Why does the ISS stay in orbit?
============================================================================ === Scuola Secondaria I Grado “M.Maccioni” Nuoro, Nuoro, telebridge via LU8YY TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Greenville Elementary School, Greenville, IL, direct via W9KXQ TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Greenville Elementary School: (***) 1. What do you do with the garbage? 2. Can you see rainbows from space? 3. What is the best part of being on the Space Station? 4. Did you feel nervous when lifting off on the Shuttle and what did it feel like? 5. What do you do if you get hurt or catch a cold? 6. What do you do when you need to change clothes in space? 7. What do the planets and Earth look like from the space station? 8. How do you prepare for missions? Is training very tiring? 9. How well do you sleep in Space and does time feel different? 10. Do you think you will have problems with your muscles when you return to Earth? 11. Does your sense of smell change in Space? 12. What do you do in your free time? Do you have TV, internet and music? 13. Why did you want to become an astronaut? 14. How does the human body react when returning to Earth? 15. How is life without gravity? Is it possible to create artificial gravity? 16. Can you bring dogs or cats into space? 17. Do you like zero gravity or do you feel sick? 18. What do you do on your days off in space? 19. What is your typical day like? 20. Where are you now, and what do you see outside? 21. What is your favorite food on the space station? 22. What do you do for fun? 23. Can you see natural disasters from space like the tsunami in Japan? 24. What do tall mountains look like from space? 25. What kind of food do you eat and do you have Breakfast, lunch and dinner like on Earth? 26. How long does it take to travel to the Space Station from Earth? 27. When do you miss Earth the most? 28. What is our earth like seen from ISS? Can we distinguish mountain ranges from plain areas, oceans or the heavily polluted areas? 29. How did you feel when you first saw Earth from space? 30. What are the physical requirements needed to become an astronaut? 31. What is the maximum and minimum temperature outside the orbiting station? 32. At which speed does the ISS move?
============================================================================ === Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Enrico Mattei“, Maglie, I-73024, Italy, direct via IZ7RTN TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Enrico Mattei” : (***) 1. Avete avuto problemi di black-out elettrici e come li avete risolti? 2. I piccoli detriti spaziali sono pericolosi per la Stazione Spaziale? 3. Sei felice nel contribuire al progresso della scienza spaziale? 4. Essere stato scelto dalla NASA per una missione così lunga ,specialmente come italiano, ti rende orgoglioso ? 5. Se fosse possibile, rifaresti lo stesso percorso di studio o cosa modificheresti? 6. Quali sono i principali problemi fisici nello spazio? 7. La lunga esperienza a bordo della Stazione Spaziale ha soddisfatto le tue aspettative? 8. Quale è la massima potenza elettrica dei pannelli fotovoltaici? 9. Come sono i relazioni con i tuoi colleghi astronauti sulla ISS? 10. La ISS può modificare autonomamente la quota da Terra quando necessario? 11. Quali protezioni usate per difendervi dai raggi cosmici? 12. La presenza a bordo di una donna astronauta influenza i vostri comportamenti? 13. Quale messaggio ci vuoi inviare oggi da lassù? 14. Può restare operativa la ISS oltre il 2020? 15. Hai visto un meteorite? 16. Avete mai assistito ad un esplosione di una stella? 17. Che materiale è usato per costruire le navicelle spaziali? 18. Qual è lo sforzo che fate nella fase di partenza e di atterraggio? 19. Nello spazio si possono osservare fenomeni particolari, quali? 20. Non sei stanco di stare nello spazio per tutti quei mesi? 21. I Futuri progetti di colonizzazione della Luna vanno avanti? 22. Qual è il nave spaziale che sostituirà lo Space Shuttle? 23. E vero che dormite in sacchi a pelo? 24. Come vi lavate a bordo della ISS? 25. Fuori dalla terra il vostro orologio biologico ha comportamenti diversi? 26. Quali esperimenti avete fatto durante la missione? 27. Quanti anni occorrono per costruire la Stazione Spaziale? 28. Quante persone possono entrare nelle navicelle Russe? 29. Ti è capitato di osservare altre navi spaziali dalla ISS? 30. Fai ginnastica a bordo della ISS? 31. Quante donne sono salite a bordo della ISS?
1. Have you had problems with electrical black-outs and how did you fix them? 2. Space debris are dangerous for the Space Station? 3. Are you happy of the contribution is making to space science? 4. Are you proud to be chosen by NASA for such a long mission, being an italian astronaut? 5. Looking back would you change the school courses you took? 6. What are the main physical problems in space? 7. The long experience on board the Space Station has met your expectations? 8. What is the maximum electric power of photovoltaic panels? 9. What are your relations with fellow astronauts on the ISS? 10. Can the ISS change independently the quota to Earth when needed? 11. What protection do you use against cosmic rays? 12. Does the presence of the woman astronaut on board influence your behaviour? 13. What message do you want to send up there today? 14. Can the ISS still be operative after 2020? 15. Do you have seen a meteorite? 16. Do you have assisted to an explosion of a star? 17. Which material is used to build the spaces ship ? 18. Which is the effort that you do in the phase of departure and landing? 19. In space you can see particular phenomena, such as? 20. Do you are tired to stay in the space for all those months? 21. Future plans for colonization of the Moon have been going on? 22. What is the spacecraft that will replace the Space Shuttle? 23. It's true that slept in sleeping bags ? 24. How washed you on ISS? 25. Outside the earth your biological clock has various behaviors? 26. Which experiments you have done during the mission? 27. How many years does it take to build the Space Station? 28. How many persons can enter the Russian spacecraft? 29. Have you happen to observed other spacecraft for the ISS? 30. Do you exercise on board the ISS? 31. How many women are gone up on ISS?
============================================================================ === Turin Flying Institute, Caselle Torinese, Italy, direct via IK1SLD TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Turin Flying Institute: 1. Che cosa è in grado di fare il Robonaut 2 e come può essere d'aiuto? 2. È complicato abituarsi al disorientamento spaziale presente sull'ISS? 3. L'hardware dei computer utilizzati è costruito appositamente per funzionare nello spazio? 4. In termini di O2 e H2O avete un sistema di riciclo sull'ISS o vengono periodicamente riforniti? 5. Tra gli esperimenti svolti sulla stazione spaziale, sono presenti sperimentazioni che possono migliorare la salute dell'uomo? 6. Quali sono le mansioni a lei affidate in questa missione? 7. Sulla stazione spaziale, oltre ad una persona specializzata a livello medico, è presente anche una persona qualificata a livello medico-psicologico? 8. In qualche modo, viene prodotto inquinamento spaziale dall'ISS? 9. Durante l'addestramento, quali sono stati i test più difficili da superare? 10. Le sue missioni nello spazio hanno interpellato la sua eventuale fede religiosa, e quanto hanno influito sulla sue considerazioni sul rapporto tra Scienza e Fede? 11. Quali sono le problematiche che le apparecchiature radio possono avere durante le trasmissioni con la terra? 12. Quali sono le modalità con cui vengono inviate a terra le rilevazioni spaziali? 13. Quanti e quali sono le sorgenti di energia elettrica di sicurezza? 14. Cosa ne pensa degli UFO? 15. Rispetto alla sua ultima missione nello spazio, ha notato variazioni notevoli a livello climatico sul nostro pianeta? 16. In quali particolari esperimenti è attualmente coinvolto? 17. È possibile contrarre una banale influenza durante la missione? In tal caso, come ci si comporta? 18. Come fate a sincronizzare i ritmi circadiani in orbita? 19. Al ritorno sulla terra, quali saranno i problemi riscontrati sul corpo umano e come verranno contrastati? 20. Una gita spaziale offerta ai vari governanti della terra potrebbe servire a migliorare la qualità della politica?
1. What can Robonaut do and how can they help? 2. Is it difficult to get used to the disorientation in the ISS? 3. Is the computer hardware used purposely made to work in the space? 4. Do you have a recycling system of O2 and H2O in the ISS or are they periodically supplied? 5. Can the experiments carried out in the space station help improve human health? 6. What is your role in this mission? 7. Is there any specialized psychologist besides the doctor in the space station? 8. How does ISS pollute the space? 9. Which were some of the difficult tests during training? 10. Is your faith influenced by the space missions and how has it determined your consideration of the rapport between Science and Faith? 11. What technical problems are likely to occur with the radio transmission to earth? 12. Which is the method used to send space samplings to earth? 13. Do you have any emergency energy sources, how many are they? 14. What is your opinion about UFO? 15. In comparison to your last space mission is there any significant climate change? 16. In which specific experiments are you involved? 17. Is it possible to catch a flue in the mission and in case of any what do you do? 18. How do you synchronize circadian rhythm in the orbit? 19. Which problems does the human body face on return from the mission and how are they resolved? 20. Can a trip to space by political leaders help improve the quality of politics?
============================================================================ === Space Day 2011, Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === St. Michael School, Schererville, IN, direct via KB9ORH TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Primary school “Pasquale Luisi”, Castelluccio Valmaggiore, Foggia, Italy, and Secondaria Di 1° Grado “Virgilio”, Castelluccio , Italy direct via IK0USO/7 TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Tecnico Industriale Statale “Gerolamo e Margherita Montani”, Fermo, I-63023, Italy, direct via I6KZR
Proposed questions for Tecnico Industriale Statale “Gerolamo e Margherita Montani”:
1. Che tipo di materiale isolante viene utilizzato per resistere alle alte temperature della faccia della ISS esposta al sole? 2. Qual è il valore minimo e massimo della temperatura fuori dalla stazione orbitante? 3. Qual’è la velocità massima della navicella una volta rientrata nell’ atmosfera terrestre e quale temperatura raggiunge lo “scudo termico”? 4. La vita dell’astronauta è noiosa? 5. Ci vuole una particolare preparazione fisica prima di andare nello spazio? 6. Com’è la terra vista da lassù? Si distinguono le zone montuose dalle pianure, gli oceani o le aree ad alto inquinamento atmosferico? 7. Si vede la muraglia Cinese dalla ISS? 8. Quali caratteristiche psicofisiche deve avere una persona per poter diventare un astronauta? 9. Quali sono i tuoi compiti all’interno della ISS? 10. Capitano imprevisti? Se sì, come bisogna comportarsi? 11. Nella progettazione e costruzione dei moduli della ISS quale sistema di misura ha messo d’accordo tutte le nazioni partecipanti? 12. La vostra giornata tipo. 13. In che consiste il vostro nutrimento? 14. Come vi approvvigionate dei liquidi necessari per dissetarvi e per l’ igiene? 15. Per non correre il rischio di urtare la così detta spazzatura spaziale, la ISS ha un sistema che evita questo inconveniente? 16. Avete problemi fisici dovuti ad un periodo così lungo di assenza di gravità? 17. Attraverso quali sistemi avviene la trasmissione dati dalla ISS verso Terra? 18. Quali apparati radio sono utilizzati per i collegamenti da terra verso la ISS? 19. Che potenza hanno questi apparati? 20. Con quale velocità si muove la ISS? 21. Dato il continuo movimento della ISS quale tipo di antenna si utilizza per i collegamenti con la terra? 22. Le antenne di quale materiale sono costruite? 23. In linea di massima a quanto ammonta il costo giornaliero della missione? 24. La stazione orbitante ha propri motori? Se sì, come sono alimentati?
1. What insulating material of the part exposed to the sun of the ISS must be used to withstand the high temperature? 2. What is the maximum and minimum temperature outside the orbiting station? 3. What is the terminal velocity when the spacecraft enters the atmosphere? 4. Is an astronaut’s life boring? 5. What training does an astronaut have to take before he can go into space? 6. What is our earth like seen from ISS? Can we distinguish mountain ranges from plain areas, oceans or the heavily pollute areas? 7. Can you see the Chinese Wall from the ISS? 8. What are the physical characteristic that a person had to have to became an astronaut? 9. What are your work assignments inside the ISS? 10. Can accidents occur in outer space? If so how to behave properly? 11. What measurement system has been agreed on amongst the nations in the designing and construction of the ISS module? 12. What is your typical day like? 13. What is your nourishment inside the space station? 14. How do you obtain the necessary liquids when you are thirsty and for personal hygiene? 15. What measures have been taken to help track space debris? 16. Do you have space adaptation syndrome due to the lack of gravity for such a long period of time? 17. What are the performance criteria for space-to earth data transmission? 18. For the earth-space communications, which radio devices are used? 19. How much power have those device? 20. At which speed the ISS moves? 21. Given the constant motion of the ISS, what type of antenna is required to send signals from the ISS to earth? 22. What are the construction materials for antennas? 23. What is the average daily cost of the space mission? 24. Have the space station its own motors? If it have, how they are powered?
============================================================================ === Mount Carmel Academy, Houston, TX, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === English Estates Elementary, Fern Park, Florida, direct via N4EH TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Primary and Junior High Schools Complex in Podgrodzie, Debica, Poland, di rect via SP8YAY or 3ZØISS TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Primary and Junior High Schools Complex in Podgrodzie: (***)
1. Can you see the continents from space? Can you see Poland? 2. Can you see other planets? 3. When are coming back on Earth? 4. Do you have free time there? 5. How long and how do you sleep? 6. Do you eat some special food there? What is it? 7. Can we see ISS from the Earth? 8. Is there something like rain in space? 9. How do you change your clothes? 10. Is it dark in space? 11. What do you do when you feel dizzy? 12. What do you drink in space? 13. How do you know when it is morning and when it is night? 14. Is the Earth big or small? 15. Do you see UFO? 16. From the ISS, can you see the moon? 17. What temperature is there in your ship? 18. Can you communicate with your family? 19. How many people are there in the ship? 20. Is there something like weather in space?
============================================================================ === Space Laboratory, Herzliya Science Centre, Herzliya, Israel, direct 4X4HSC or via telebridge TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === South West College Enniskillen, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
========================================================================= ====== Hochtaunusschule, Oberursel, Germany, direct via DLØHG TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Youth Hostel “La Foresta” c/o Rome, Italy, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === United Space School, Seabrook, Texas, telebridge via TBD TBD UTC
============================================================================ === Pine Tree High School, Longview, Texas, direct via WE5PT TBD UTC
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Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of 60 schools that we hope will be able to have a contact during 2011. As the schedule becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week.
73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS operation team mentors
participants (1)