Hi all, just making a mention of this experiment again for anyone that missed it.
I just received this.
Dear friends! Thank you for support of the space experiment "Shadow" on ISS. More than 200 claims have been registered, the experienced hams Gennady Tjapichev (R3XB) and Guy Roels (ON6MU) presented the special tools for generation of a short beacon, some groups of hams had conducted trial experiments "in a ground" air for checkout of a methodology. The ground preparation of the space experiment "Shadow" in a part of an amateur radio is practically completed so that we could proceed to a following step, namely to "cold" experiments in an orbit even an year ago. However, fulfillment of the scientific programs on ISS was noticeably quickened only with new flights of "Shuttles". In order to begin with space experiment "Shadow", it was offered to conduct a few auxiliary sessions of its cold phase in a digipeater mode. Sergey Samburov (RV3DR), the employee of space-rocket corporation "Energia" which is responsible for an amateur radio on ISS, explained that this mode is already in use for available onboard amateur radio and allows to overcome many formalities. At the moment there is a decision to perform the first trial session on the European measuring field as it is the most long and dense. Never the less I'd like all to recollect all and look through the results of this European session in order to be ready in your turn. So I invite you to visit again our page http://www.tsniimash.ru/Shadow/Next-eng.htm., check yourself in lists and on maps, exam the section " Cold experiments " and other new materials and further take part in the experiment as terms and requirements of its realization will be additionally presented. Also I ask you to present this invitation to your local BBS, the more participants the better.
73, Valentin Strashinski, principal investigator, TSNIIMASH.
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or google E.T. shadow
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participants (1)
Kevin Forbes