Oxygen Generation System Activation Continues

*Oxygen Generation System Activation Continues*
Image above: The International Space Station moves away from Space Shuttle Atlantis on June 19, 2007. Image credit: NASA
Flight Engineer Clay Anderson this morning activated the Oxygen Generation System (OGS) in the U.S. Lab for a test drive of the new system. The system, which will augment the ability to produce oxygen for the complex from the Russian Elektron system, will be vital in its future support of a six-person crew beginning in the spring of 2009. After operating normally, with good pump, fan and water flow readings, the system shut down. Ground controllers are troubleshooting the reason for the shutdown as they continue to work out the minor growing pains with the fledgling system.
The station residents continued packing discarded items in the ISS Progress 24 cargo craft that will be cast off on Aug. 1. With all trash gathered and stowed from the U.S. side, Flight Engineer Oleg Kotov collected and stowed the Russian segment excess hardware and waste. The jettison of the craft will make room at the Pirs Docking Compartment for the arrival of the new ISS Progress 26 resupply vehicle on Aug. 5.
The crew also participated in an educational event at Johnson Space Center Wednesday. The event was by and for Texas Aerospace Scholars, Clear Lake High School students, interns, co-ops, and STS-118 crew members Scott Kelly, Barbara Morgan and David Williams.
+ Read more about Expedition 15 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition15/index.html + View crew daily timelines http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/timelines/index.html
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Arthur Rowe