Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-03-27 20:30 UTC

Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-03-27 20:30 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Shanghai Youth Centre of Science and Technology Education, Xuhui, Shanghai, China, direct via BY4AY Contact is a go for: Tue 2008-04-01 08:10 UTC 39 deg
Osnovna škola Pazin, Pazin, Croatia, direct via 9A7P (***) Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-04-07 14:52 UTC 79 deg (***)
Next missions with astronaut/hams on board. STS-124 (***)
STS-123 is back on earth: Congratulations to all! (***)
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 339. Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 6.
QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RS0ISS
The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan) operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***). Also, please check MSNBC.com for possible live retransmissions (http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp). Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.80 MHz.
The crossband repeater has been active at times. The frequencies are uplink of 437.80 MHz and downlink of 145.80 MHz.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you are interested in supporting an ARISS contact, then you must fill in an application. The ARISS operations mentor team will not accept a direct request to support an ARISS contact; the application must first be sent to the ARISS region coordinator.
You should also note that many schools think that they can request a specific date and time. Once an application has been accepted the ARISS mentors will work with the school to determine a mutually agreeable date.
There are several ARISS web sites:
English: http://www.rac.ca/ariss/
French: http://c.avmdti.free.fr/ariss/index.htm
ARISS Europe: http://www.ariss-eu.org/
ARISS Japan: http://www.jarl.or.jp/ariss/
Your completely filled out application should be returned to the nearest coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not listed. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting an application.
Here are the email addresses: ARISS-Canada and all other countries not covered: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA) ARISS-Europe: [email protected] (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC) ARISS-Japan and all Region 3 countries: [email protected] (Keigo Komuro JA1KAB) ARISS-Russia: [email protected] (Valerie Agabekov N2WW/UA6HZ) ARISS-USA: [email protected] (The American Radio Relay League)
***************************************************************************** QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.rac.ca/ariss/oindex.htm#QSL%27s *****************************************************************************
Other web sites that may be of interest include:
http://www.arrl.org/sarex http://www.arrl.org/ariss http://www.amsat.org http://ariss.gsfc.nasa.gov http://spacelink.nasa.gov/index.html http://ehb2.gsfc.nasa.gov/edcats/educator_guide/
Latest ARISS announcements and news http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
Successful school list http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/Successful_ARISS_schools.rtf
The ISS Fan Club website is: http://www.issfanclub.com
K1ELA has a website at: http://members.aol.com/k1ela/index.html
ON6SAT has a website at: http://on6sat.com/links/
IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca This new site will have the links for simulcast contacts that have IRLP and Echolink.
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
Friends and family of the Expedition 12 crew have put together a website: http://www.expedition12.com
A listing of ARISS related magazine articles: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ARISS_magazine_articles.rtf Currently the list includes articles from CQ, CQ VHF, QST, and The AMSAT Journal. Please contact me directly if you have additional suggestions.
Expedition 16 on orbit: Peggy Whitson Yuri Malenchenko RK3DUP Garrett Reisman KE5HAE
STS-123 is back on earth: Congratulations to all! (***) Dominic Gorie, Gregory Johnson, Richard Linnehan, Robert Behnken KE5GGX, Michael Foreman, Takao Doi, Léopold Eyharts FX0STD/KE5FNO
To let you in on how tough it is to schedule contacts, here are some of the constraints the ARISS mentors must work under: Each Increment is 26 weeks in length.
For any given expedition, we typically may not schedule: 1. Anything the first 3 weeks. 2. During EVA weeks 3. at least 2 weeks prior to the Increment change. 4. no contacts during meal and exercise periods. 5. no contacts during post-sleep and pre sleep (before 08:00 UTC and after 19:30 UTC) 6. contacts on the day of Progress docking or undocking are circumspect.
Mike Fincke KE5AIT and Gennady Padalka RN3DT produced a video during their stay on Expedition 9. You can get the QuickTime version (209MB) or the Windows Media version (152MB). These files are huge, so only a broadband connection is recommended. Thanks Mike and Gennady!
QuickTime: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9Tour.mov Windows Media: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/Video/Expedition9tourwmv.wmv
A discussion on Doppler correction and the ISS frequencies may be found at
http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/ISS_frequencies_and_Doppler_correction... tf
This file was updated 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
****************************************************************************** * ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUDIO STREAMING THAT IS PROVIDED BY Verizon Business. 1. Go to designated homepage URL. 2. Click on Audioconferencing. 3. Click on Audio Streaming. 4. Click on Join. 5. Enter conference meeting number. 6. Enter passcode (case sensitive) and there are 11 letters max. 7. Enter name. 8. Enter email address. 9. Enter company, use ARISS or AMSAT if you want. 10. Enter title (optional). 11. Agree to agreement policy. 12. Click proceed. 13. Wait for contact to start. If you are there too early, then you will probably hear music. Contact streaming should start approximately 6 minutes before AOS.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE USE OF IRLP, ECHOLINK, and Webcast. IRLP website at: http://www.discoveryreflector.ca If using IRLP is more convenient for you than using EchoLink, please connect to the IRLP reflector 9010.
The Discovery 9010 Reflector also has streaming audio available. Once on the main page, select “audio library” on the left sidebar. The prompt to join the audio stream is posted at the top of this page.
More directly, you can go to http://www.discoveryreflector.ca:8000/listen.pls
The audio stream will be delayed.
Additional information on the IRLP Discovery Reflector requirements: The use of the Discovery Reflector requires that your audio player have ability to play a pls file. Confirm that your player has that file. You should also confirm that port 8080 is open to allow the audio stream.
Here is how to check Realplayer: 1. Open up Realplayer 2. Tools>Preferences>Content Media Types> click on Select located under the Manual button. You should see .pls as one of the accepted files
Here is how to check Winamp: 1. Open up Winamp 2. Options>preference>General preference>file types You should see pls as one of the accepted files
Additional information may be found on the amsat.org calendar of events for where to find the audio on EchoLink, IRLP and Shoutcast.
Please give the EchoLInk EDU_NET server your preference over the EchoLink AMSAT server for your connection. This will keep the load light on the AMSAT server, assuring us of better audio quality all around.
You can connect to the AMSAT Conference Room server at node 101377. Audio is also available at times on the JK1ZRW server at node 277208. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server. This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners.
For latest information on ISS - school contact audio feeds into EchoLink, please check the AMSAT calendar of events at:
Shanghai Youth Centre of Science and Technology Education, Xuhui, Shanghai, China, direct via BY4AY Contact is a go for: Tue 2008-04-01 08:10 UTC 39 deg
Proposed questions for Shanghai Youth Centre of Science and Technology Education:
1. In the space, what does the Moon look like from the space? 2. Will humans grow taller and taller in the space station without gravity? If a baby born there, will he grow taller than Yao Ming? 3. Does your hair grow faster in the space station? Could you get a haircut? And how? 4. Suppose there is something wrong with the telecommunication connection, and you can’t contact with the station on earth, what will you do? 5. Have you ever planted vegetables in the space? 6. How to deal with those life rubbish in the space? Will they be taken back to the Earth or be left in the space? 7. Do you wish your children become astronauts, too? 8. Does your biologic time change in the space? How to set up your sleeping time? 9. Have you ever seen aliens or UFO in the space? 10. If I want to be an astronaut, what qualities are required? 11. How to deal with the carbon dioxide and other exhaust gas from humans in space station? Are there any purified equipments? 12. The flames will be up in the air when something is on fire on the Earth. What would happen if something is on fire in the cabin? 13. Can you “walk” in the space? How do you feel? 14. How do astronauts do exercises in the space? 15. Is it boring in space sometimes? 16. Will you feel faint in the state of zero gravity? What actions can you do? 17. In the space, how do you drink water and go to washroom? 18. Will you snore when you are sleeping in the space station? 19. What kind of food do you have in the space? Is there any strict regulation for that? How about your appetite? 20. What will you do if someone in the space station gets sick? 21. How do astronauts take a shower in the space? 22. What would happen if you have carelessly overturned water in the space? 23. How to avoid the clashing of the space rubbish in the space station? 24. In the space station, what kind of method you will take to participate 2008 Beijing Olympics?
Osnovna škola Pazin, Pazin, Croatia, direct via 9A7P Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-04-07 14:52 UTC 79 deg (***)
Proposed questions for Osnovna škola Pazin: (***) 1. When you were in space for the first time, how old were you? 2. How long does it take from Earth to ISS? 3. Were you afraid of going to ISS? 4. What is the most frightening in space? 5. Is any plant or vegetable planted in space? 6. Do you have any animals abroad ISS? 7. Have you seen any aliens? 8. What do you drink and eat? 9. Does food spoil faster or slower? 10. Is it boring in space sometimes? 11. Is there any space sport? 12. Do you listen to any radio or music? 13. Do you play any instruments on the station? 14. Do you play any social games? 15. Is it hard getting used to life in space? 16. How do you shower? 17. What thing do you miss the most in space? 18. Which is the biggest man-made building or construction in space? 19. Do you see satellites from ISS? 20. What is Space shuttle's maximum speed? 21. What is the ISS fuel consumption? 22. What do you think about ARISS school contacts? 23. Are your experiments dangerous? 24. Did you ever see a vulcano eruption from space?
Han Gwang Boys & Girls High School, Pyeong Taek City, Gyeong Gi Province, Republic of Korea, direct via HL0HQSC TBD UTC Scheduled for Yi So-yeon who will use HL0ARISS
Proposed questions for Han Gwang Boys & Girls High School: (***)
1. What is your feeling of a state of zero gravity? Do you have any inconvenience of your activities? (Mujungnyeok sangtaeui neukkimeun eotteohamyeo hwaldonghaneunde eoryeoumeun eomnayo?) 2. How did you feel when you enter into the space? (Ujuseoni balsadoeeo ujuro ollagadeon sungan eotteon neukkimieotseumnikka?) 3. How many hours do you sleep? Is your sleeping place comfortable? (Jameun harue myeot siganeul jamyeo, janeun gongganeun pyeonanhangayo?) 4. There might be a lot of pieces of the broken satellites or meteorites in the space. How do you deal with the dangers of them? (Ujueneun sumaneun wiseong jogakdeurina unseokdeuri iseultende geureon geotdeuri juneun wiheomi itdamyeon eotteoke daebihaneunjiyo?) 5. How many chambers do you have in the ISS and what are their purposes? (Ujujeonggeojangeneun bangi myeot gaena iseumyeo eotteon nyongdoro sseuimnikka?) 6. When do you think Korea will have another chance that the next Korean astronaut can go into the space? (Daeum gihoee urinara ujuineun eonje dasi ujue gage doelkkayo?) 7. What is the most exciting thing you have ever experienced in the space station? (Geudongan gyoyukbadeun modeun gwajeonggwa ujujeonggeojangeseo gyeongheomhan geot jung gajang sinnatdeon ireun mueonnimnikka?) 8. What is the most important thing which the students should learn to be an astronaut? (Ujuini doegireul wonhaneun haksaengdeuri hakgyoeseo kkok baewoya hal geoseun mueoshirago saenggakhasimnikka?) 9. How about your impressions about the communications with Korean teenagers through amateur radio? (Museon Haemtongsineuro urinara cheongsonyeondeulgwa gyosineul hasineun sogami eotteosimnikka?) 10. Can you see any structures on the earth from the outer space? (Ujueseo boineun jigu wiui geonchungmuri itseumnikka?)
11. Can you use cellular phone or telephone in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojangeseoneun haendeuponeul sayonghal su innayo? animyeon ilban jeonhwagiga innayo?) 12. What kind of work are you going to do in Russia after completing the space mission? (Ujuimmureul machigo reosiaeseo eotteon ireul hage doemnikka?) 13. When will you come back to Korea? And what do you want to do first after you come back to Korea? (Hangugeneun eonje omyeo hanguge omyeon jeil meonjeo hago sipeun iri mueonnimnikka?) 14. Do you recycle the Oxygen or do other crews bring it from the earth? (Ujujeonggeojangeseoneun sansoreul jaehwaryonghaeseo sayonghamnikka? animyeon, dareun saeroun seungmuwondeuri olttae mada sansotongeul gajigo omnikka?) 15. What do you want to really say to Korean teenagers, now? (Urinara cheongsonyeondeurege gajang hasigo sipeun malsseumeun mueonningayo?) 16. With what exercise do you care your health? Do you have any sporting goods? (Eotteon undongeuro geonganggwallireul haneunji, geurigo undongsiseoldeureun itseumnikka?) 17. Can you drink alcohol beverage in the space station? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo ilban eumnyosu oee alkool seongbunui eumnyodo masil su innayo?) 18. I read that it is very noisy in the ISS. How noisy is it? (Eoneu chaegeseo boni ujujeonggeojang ani sikkeureopdago hadeonde eoneu jeongdoimnikka?)
National Science Museum of Korea, Daejon, Republic of Korea, direct via HL0HQSC TBD UTC Scheduled for Yi So-yeon who will use HL0ARISS
Proposed questions for National Science Museum of Korea: (***)
1. What is the most precious thing which you have brought into the space privately? (Ujue gajigo gan gaein mulgeon junge gajang sojunghan geoseun mueonnimnikka?) 2. Do you have some snacks, ice cream or Kimchi in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojangeneun gansigina aiseukeurim, gimchido innayo?) 3. Do you keep wearing a space suit from the departure to the arrival on the earth? (Jigueseo chulbalhaeseo jiguro olttaekkaji gyesok gujubongman ipgo itseumnikka?.) 4. Do the crews sleep in turns or together? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo seungmuwondeureun jameul gyodaero janayo, animyeon gachi jago gachi ireonanayo?) 5. Is the ISS operated by the crews or automatically? (Ujujeonggeojangui unjeoneun seungmuwoni haneungeongayo? animyeon jadongeuro doeneun geongayo?) 6. What do the other crews do while you are communicating? (Jigeum dangsini jiguwa gyosinhaneun dongan dareun ujuindeureun mueoseul hago itseumnikka?) 7. Do the crews who are with you have an amateur radio license? (Jigeum ujujeonggeojange hamkke inneun dareun seungmuwondeureun amachueomuseonsa jagyeokjeungeul gajigo itseumnikka?) 8. If you have an injury in skin or bone, is it cured faster or later than on the earth? (Bbyeowa sare sangcheoreul ribeoseul gyeongu ujueseoneun jiguboda ppalli chiryodoemnikka, animyeon neutseumnikka?) 9. How long does it takes for you to recover to your normal condition after you come back to the earth? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo jiguro doraon dwi momui modeun gineungi jeongsangeuro doraoryeomyeon eoneu jeongdoui sigani geollimnikka?) 10. What is the most difficult and inconvenient thing while you stay in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo saenghwalhaneun dongane mueonni gajang himdeulgo bulpyeonhamnikka?) 11. How do you treat the emergent diseases? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo geupan jilbyeongi balsaenghamyeon eotteoke haegyeolhamnikka?) 12. What do you do in your free time in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojangeseoneun gaein jayusigane mueoseul hasimnikka?) 13. What is the most important experiment which will be carried out in the space station? (Ujujeonggeojangeseo jinhaeng doel silheom jungeseo gajang jungyohan silheomeun mueonnimnikka?) 14. Do you have a library in the space station? If you have, what kind of books do you read? (Ujujeonggeojange doseogwani innayo? itdamyeon eotteon chaekdeureul rilgeusinayo?) 15. What language do you use to communicate with other crew? Do you have any inconvenience? (Dareun nara ujuindeulgwaneun eoddeon eoneoleul sayonghaeseo daehwaleulhamyeo bulpyeonhameun eobseubnikka?) 16. Can you watch a television broadcast of the earth in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojangeneun jiguui tellebijeon bangsongeul bol su innayo?) 17. How do you wash yourself? Isn’t the water floating around? (Momeul reotteoke ssiseul su innayo? muri dungdung tteodanijineun annayo?) 18. Can you surf the Internet in the ISS? (Ujujeonggeojange inneun keompyuteoro inteoneshi ganeunghamnikka?)
Central Middle School, West Parsippany, New Jersey, direct via N2XJ TBD UTC
Proposed questions for Central Middle School: (***) 1. Do you wear a space suit during liftoff, and if so - why? 2. If you could bring anything from space back to earth, what would it be and why? 3. How would you evacuate the space station if there was a problem? 4. What kind of research is being performed during your assignment? 5. Who or what inspired you to become an astronaut? 6. Is the ISS stationary or does it revolve around the earth? 7. Does a regular watch tell the same time in space as it would on earth? 8. Does working in low gravity bring fatigue faster or slower than it would on earth? 9. Is it difficult sleeping with zero gravity? 10. What is your main job as an astronaut? 11. What do you most enjoy doing while you are on the ISS? 12. What foods do you like most while you are aboard the ISS? 13. What does Earth look like from space? Can you see cities and rivers? 14. What would you do if someone got sick on the mission? 15. How do you brush your teeth on the ISS? 16. What special fitness training is necessary when preparing for a mission?
St. Thomas' Primary School, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, direct via VK4HBK TBD UTC
The National Air and Space Museum (NASM), Washington, DC, via telebridge TBD UTC
Armada Area Schools, Armada, Michigan, direct via K8UO TBD UTC
DaVinci Discovery Center of Science and Technology, Allentown, PA, via telebridge TBD UTC
Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of 60 schools that we hope will be able to have a contact during 2008. As the schedule becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week.
73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS operation team mentors
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participants (1)