2010-02-22 ARISS Status

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Status Report February 22, 2010
1. Upcoming School Contact
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact has been scheduled with Doncaster Primary School in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia on Thursday, February 25 at 08:23 UTC. Astronaut Timothy Creamer, KC5WKI will make the connection through telebridge ground station VK4KHZ in Australia. The contact has been integrated into school subjects such as physics, space, geography and English.
2. ARISS International Team Meeting Held
The monthly Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Team teleconference was held on Tuesday, February 16. A status was given on the Columbus module as well as ARISSat-1. The minutes have been posted. See: https://www.rac.ca/ariss/arisstel2010-02-16.htm
3. ARISS News on Amateur Radio Newsline
The February 19, Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1697 included one ARISS news item. The "Ham Radio in Space" article was about astronaut Ron Garan studying to obtain his amateur radio license. See: ftp://ftp.arnewsline.org/quincy/News/news.txt
4. ARISSat-1 Meeting Held
An ARISSat Design Review was held in Orlando, Florida on Monday and Tuesday, February 15 - 16. Thirteen members attended the meeting and gave 23 presentations concerning the status of ARISSat-1. A write-up on the meeting can be found on the AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) Web site. Links to the presentations will be posted soon. See: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/index.php
participants (1)
Carol Jackson