ARISS Event - Australian Jamboree 2007 contact, Sun (Jan 07) at 10:18 UTC

An International Space Station Expedition 14 ARISS school contact has been planned with scouts attending the Australian Jamboree 2007 in Elmore, Victoria, Australia on Sunday 07 Jan. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:18 UTC.
The contact will be a telebridge between stations NA1SS and VK4KHZ . The contact should be audible to anyone in eastern portions of Australia. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. Additional listening options are listed below. The participants are expected to conduct the conversation in English.
IRLP - Connect to the IRLP reflector 9010. You may also connect via the IRLP Discovery website at
EchoLink - The audio from this contact will be available on the EchoLink *AMSAT* (node 101 377) and the *JK1ZRW* (node 277 208) conference rooms. Please connect to the *JK1ZRW* server to keep the load light on the *AMSAT* server. This will ensure good audio quality for all listeners.
To access the Audio Replay of this call, all parties can: 1. Go to the URL listed above. 2. Choose Audio Streaming under Join Events. 3. Enter the conference number and passcode. (Note that if this is a recurring event, multiple dates may be listed.) Replays are available for 30 days after the live event.
The Australian Scout Jamboree is a jamboree which is held every three years in Australia. The jamboree is traditionally held in early January and runs for 10 days.
The first, in 1934, was held in Frankston, Victoria and was the only Australian Jamboree attended by the Chief Scout, Robert Baden-Powell.
AJ2007 is based in Elmore central Victoria Australia, we are in camp from the 1st to the 13th of January, 2007. It will be the 21st Australian Scout Jamboree, the first major Scout event in 2007 and thus the first to celebrate 100 years of Scouting. Between 13,000 and 15,000 adults and youth are expected to attend this Jamboree.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Could you tell us your typical daily routine onboard the ISS? 2. When you first go into space, what would be the first thing that you could spot outside? E.g: the sun....etc 3. Have you ever seen an alien? 4. Can you see the sunrise/sunset from space? 5. Can you get transmissions of TV programmes from Earth, or do you only watch DVD's in space? 6. Has it been proved or is it thought that their was or is life somewhere in our solar system possibly on Venus, Mars, Europa, Titan or somewhere else?
7. Have you ever been a scout or known an astronaut who was one? 8. How do you fill in time in outer-space? 9. What does it feel to be weightless and float in space? 10. What can you see the most clearest of on Earth from space? 11. Are you confident that you will be able to safely travel to and from the ISS. Do you consider it a risk? 12. Do you have a different view of the Earth now that you are on the other side? 13. Can you see the smoke in the atmosphere coming from the bushfires right across Australia? 14. How long does it take to adjust to normal weight on earth, after being in apparent weightlessness for extended periods of time?
15. What sort of contingencies are in place in the event of a catastrophic emergency aboard the Space Station? Can you describe how the crew would escape or make themselves safe?
16. Can you see tornadoes or hurricanes from space? 17. What is your best space experience? 18. How close is NASA to developing ion drives or the solar sail? 19. How do you get your vitamin D intake - we get it from the sun, where do you get it from? 20. Is teleportation using radio signals (rearanging the persons atoms) possible? 21. What do you do for exercise on the ISS?
Please note, the amateur equipment on the ISS has not been functioning in the automatic modes properly and may be silent more than usual. Information about the next scheduled ARISS contact can be found at .
Next planned event(s): Sherman Elementary School, Henrietta, New York, direct via W2SKY Mon 2007-01-08 14:33 UTC Dilworth Elementary School, San Jose, CA, USA, direct via AA6W Mon 2007-01-08 17:34 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website (graciously hosted by the Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Thank you & 73, Kenneth - N5VHO
participants (1)
Ransom, Kenneth G. (JSC-OC)[BAR]